A while back, I wrote a post about colored chandeliers and proved my true and abiding love for them by showing you pics of them throughout my house.

And I started the post with this statement:

“If there are two things that I am extremely consistent about when it comes to home décor, they are these:

1) I love color


2) I looooooooove chandeliers.”

If I’d have added one more love, it would have been special, unique decorative details—with perhaps the most prevalent example being pretty knobs.

In fact, I started thinking about it and realized that I’ve spruced up the knobs in some way, shape, or form on practically every single piece of furniture in our house.

Like this dresser:


And this secretary desk, which inherited the red flower knobs from Della’s nursery dresser…


That dresser now resides in the twins’ nursery, and you saw a glimpse of the fun glass flower knobs that took the place of the red ones on last Friday’s nursery sneak peak.


These fantastic turquoise and white knobs are now dressing up the little jewelry chest that used to be in Della’s nursery and now has a home (along with matching feathery owl friend) in the twins’ room as well.


Oh, yeah, and remember Colette, the coral dresser?


Check out her bling!

One of my favorite knobs is this simple white flower, which you can see here on my sofa side table.


…and on the little desk near the entryway.


I’ve got several more I could show you, but I’ll leave you with just one more today—these fun orange filigree knobs that make a basic black hutch just a little bit special.


So, yeah. Clearly, I’m a fan of hob-knobbing (yes, I know; not the right spelling or meaning, exactly, but it just seemed to fit).

I buy practically all of my knobs from Hobby Lobby, where they are almost always 50% off (and their original prices are considerably lower than, say, Anthro’s), with a few Marshall’s, Ross, Ebay, and, yes, even occasionally, Anthropologie mixed in.

It’s such an easy and cheap way to add some personality to a piece of furniture, but, I’m not going to lie—I have definitely been guilty of picking up a knob here or there that I have no specific location for, so that now I have a bit of a collection hiding out in the craft room.

Never fear, though. I have a project in mind to “use up” all of those extra knobs. Hopefully I can show you soon.

So, what about you guys—are you, too, a fan of knobs as decorative accents? If not, what do you find yourself bringing home even with no specific plan…just because you love it?


  1. love the little “knob” tour of your home! just lovely! I had never thought to do a single focal knob like the white flower one….great idea. I’ve got a piece of furniture that could use some knob help….thx for the inspiration! As far as stuff I can’t help but bring home….gotta be fabric! I see cute fabric and can’t help but snatch it up despite telling myself that I need to use what I have first….It just keeps coming home with me 🙂

  2. I am guilty of bringing home beautiful vintage silk scarves when the colors are just too marvelous to pass up, and I score it for around $2. I have decorated with a couple of them, but others are in a secret stash.

I love hearing from you guys!