Note: When you read today’s post title, you should be reading the word “mobile” in the English fashion as “mobILE” (as in mobILE phone) instead of the American “mobe-uhl”…(and you should most definitely not be reading it in the Southern vernacular of “mob-EEL”).

There’s a pretty good chance that most of you are sick of hearing about our trip to New York (you can also read about what we did, what I wore, and what we ate) but as I was looking for a particular picture on my cell (aka “mob-ILE”) phone the other day, I realized that there were quite a few little moments captured there that escaped the lens of my more unwieldy camera.

So, I thought it might be kind of fun to share some of those “mobile moments” with you today.

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This was our view from the taxi after we left the airport on an absolutely gorgeous (and ridiculously hot for New York in October) day. I don’t actually know which bridge this is. Please don’t say Brooklyn. I’ll feel really dumb.

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Here we are on one of our daily subway rides. At this point, we had a combined total of 8 hours of sleep between us (and that includes an hour-long nap once we got to our rental apartment).

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They were shooting some sort of movie/tv production next door to our apartment the day we arrived. The apartment owner told us that this was pretty common and that Justin Timberlake had used the building for a Saturday Night Live skit. Unfortunately, standing around in a 90’s print onesie and cowboy boots while smoking a cigarette was as interesting as it got while were there.

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I love that practically every other corner in the upper west side boasts a flower shop with the most gorgeous profusion of blooms in every shape and hue.

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We spotted this lone ballet flat in the road on our way back from Riverside Park. Methinks that somewhere, Cinderella’s sister’s cousin’s best friend is sitting at home waiting for her Prince to come. Don’t hold your breath, honey.

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I probably wouldn’t find this nearly as funny if I actually had to park in New York.

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Pretty sure this is funny (and a little creepy) no matter where you live.

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The last morning we were there, we wandered through a craft market, and I fell in love with these incredible pottery art pieces. At $375, the one I wanted was way out of my price range, but considering that the artist crafted each little pot and cup and saucer himself, I didn’t actually think it was too overpriced. (Most of the other pieces you see here were $50-$100). I’m already scheming up ways to DIY one of my own, but the options I’m finding on Ebay are either too small or too large. In other words, I’m the Goldilocks of pottery art knock-offs (which is, I believe, the only time those words have ever been combined). If you have any brilliant ideas (that don’t involve my buying a pottery wheel), don’t hesitate to comment!

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a) I realize I should learn to keep my mouth shut in pictures.

b) My husband’s eyes aren’t black. They’re a lovely shade of green, actually. But he has the largest pupils of practically anyone I’ve ever met, and the lighting wasn’t particularly great in the hallway as we waited for our Jimmy Fallon taping to start.

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Here I am getting my hair blown out. Still blissfully unaware that he is charging $1 for every strand of hair he straightens.

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Motown The Musical at the Lunt Fontanne theater off of Times Square. It was our first Broadway experience, but I’m thinking it would be hard to beat. Amazing!

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The heights of ecstasy to which my boys would soar if they were to ever find themselves in an actual Lego store are probably so epic as to defy description (translation: I’m kind of glad I was there by myself).

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Sure, lots of cities have Paper Sources. But this one was in NEW YORK. Which is to say a traveling paper-lover’s paradise.

Oh, and speaking of paradise…

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If Anthropologie is renowned for beautiful, unique, store-specific decor, then their sister store, Free People, is no slouch either.

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This is how we looked walking around Rockefeller Plaza before we had to catch our flight. We got some funny looks. I thought about putting a hat out to collect change. Hey, if the Naked Cowboy can do it…

Also, this is my morning-after-blowout look. It didn’t get cute again until I could avail myself of a flat-iron.

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Oh, and in case you’re wondering about the view behind me…

And there you have it, folks. I’m almost completely pretty much sure I’m mostly done talking about our New York trip. For now.

Do you find that some of your best moments are captured with a cell phone (excuse me: mobILE)? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have half the pictures of my kids that that I do now if I had to take them all with my camera.


  1. We’ve been to NYC three times and each time I saw multiple pairs of shoes in the street, on sidewalks, etc., and it’s odd for sure, but the most odd thing about it is that they were sitting next to each other as they would in a closet or something. So strange.

I love hearing from you guys!