Okay, please tell me you noticed my oh-so-clever and punny title because that, my friends, is the kind of title you write when you’ve gotten too little sleep and inhaled paint fumes for several days running. But more on that later.

Today, I have the privilege of having my fun bloggy-buddy and real-life friend, Kelli, stop by for a visit to tell us about a fitness challenge that she’s issuing—one that I love because of how accessible it is to anyone, no matter what your current level of physical activity.

I’ll let her tell you more:

Happy Monday everyone! My name is Kelli and I blog over at More Bang for Your Bucks. I write about spending money wisely, but there’s lots of other fun stuff too including recipes, my faith, and book reviews.

This is me, with my sweet man!

I am so blessed to be taking over Abbie’s blog today for Move It Monday. Last week on my blog, I started a 40 Day Challenge for myself and others—to be physically active at least once per day for the 40 days between Nov. 15th and December 24th. You can read more here about my backstory, but basically, I need to get in better shape! {Oh, and yes, I did notice that I chose the busiest time of the year to start this challenge! But more movement = a chance to eat some of the holiday goodies that are everywhere. you. go.}
I titled this challenge:

More Bang for Your Bucks

…because I wanted something fun and catchy that would keep me motivated! My hubby has gotten involved too!
It’s been fun asking each other if we’ve “Moved it, Moved it” yet that day. I am a homeschooling mama with a still-nursing baby, plus I love to blog and read = not a lot of physically activity naturally built into my day. My husband is a pastor = lots of desk time studying, so same story for him. So we knew we had to intentional about this. Imagine us, in the middle of the day, taking turns sprinting up and down our stairs, with our 6, 4, and 1 year old children watching. This is when you employ the “do as mommy and daddy say, and not as we do” sentiment. 😉

We already feel better after almost a week of this challenge. I have shed about 5 pounds and hubby 8. Why, oh why, do men lose weight faster than us? Anyway, I am excited about what the next few weeks hold.

Oh, and you should know this. I am not a natural “fitness-ista” at all. This is something fairly new in my life- and I’d love if those of you in the same boat would join me! Even if you are already in fantastic shape {ahem, Abbie!} it would be great to have you along for the ride as well for encouragement!

So jump on over to my blog tomorrow for the next week’s installment of the series {hint: it involves a friend, and her very own challenge to herself!}.

Hope that everyone has a fabulous Thanksgiving, and thanks again, Abbie, for having me!

Thank you, Kelli, for coming up with such a practical and doable idea! I’m IN! (I exercise a lot, but I don’t necessarily do something active every single day, so this will be a challenge for me too).

Now head on over to Kelli’s great blog and say, “Hi!” I promise she won’t bite, but she may make you do a few push-ups while you’re there!

Oh, and here’s the code for her button if you’re a blogger, and this is something that you think your readers should see too:

https://morebangforyourbucks.blogspot.com” target=”_blank”>More Bang for Your Buckshttps://farm7.static.flickr.com/6091/6329956878_9d1bbf70fe_m.jpg”/>


  1. What a great idea! Its so important to remember that even five minutes is better than none! And once I’ve done that five minutes, I’m way more likely to continue on…just getting past that hump of starting to begin with!

I love hearing from you guys!