♫ It’s Friday, it’s Friday, gotta get down on Friiiiiday…♫
Oh, that was SO wrong.
I will say, though, that I was blissfully ignorant of Miss Rebecca Black’s nasal assault on the entire concept of music until my brother took it upon himself to educate me a few months back, and my world has never been the same.
Not in a good way either.
And now, I will have the strains of a song that just might surpass “Small World” in its propensity for burrowing its way into one’s brain for eternity stuck in my head for, well, eternity.
And you will too (either that or “Small World,” but you may thank me for that one).
I’m not sure how that little tangent got so out of control, but I’m back.
And I’m remembering WHY the fact that it’s Friday is such a good thing right now, which is, of course, that I get to see, yet again, what all you crazy-talented folks have been up to since last week!
But first, let me remind you about our big My Memories Digital Scrapbooking Software GIVEAWAY!
It’s loads of fun and super-easy to use, even if you’re not a scrapbooker!
In fact, because I’ve been painting laundry appliances right and left around here, I thought it might be fun to use my new scrapbooking program to make a “Laundry Schedule” printable to help keep washing day on track:
Here’s the link to the PDF if you want to print one of your own.
OKAY, and now for the fun part—when I get to show off what fabulous, wonderful, creative blog-friends I get to hang out with!
First off, this Handmade Paper Tape shared by Superfluous caught my eye in a big way! She has a great tute on how to make your very own in whatever shade/pattern your heart desires (aren’t those vintage spools cool?).
Next up—if I may take a moment to gush—I know Alina of My Yellow Umbrella personally (well, as personally as you can know someone you haven’t gotten to meet yet), and I KNEW her wedding would be amazing after seeing all of the other brilliant stuff she gets up to on her blog.
But her DIY Barn Wedding still blew my mind. The list of things that she and her fiance DIY’ed is RIDICULOUS!
And the effect, as you can clearly see from the pics below is stunning. She also shares a lot of her own personal tips for a spectacular wedding on a major budget, and I heartily agree with them all.
If you haven’t visited Alina yet, you owe it to yourself to check her out!
I {HEART} this shot so much!
I’m also loving this Stenciled Recycled Pallet from Que Linda. The weathered wood against the dreamy white is just perfection.
Lately, I’ve been featuring mostly DIY projects, but it was always my intent with this party to include anything/everything you’ve blogged about, and I love the reminder in Life Unexpected’s post called Pampered Life of just how blessed (showered with stuff, really) that most of us are and that we all have the opportunity to “pamper” other with the basics of life—like food and clothes. Be sure to read. It’s good.
I also LOVE the idea of this Adoption Story Book from Millions of Miles. I got to meet Megan at Blissdom a few weeks ago and hear a little bit about their adoptive son, Miles, in person, so it was really cool to see how she chose to commemorate/make Mile’s two year anniversary in his new home so special!
And can I just tell you guys how much I adore shortbread? I don’t eat it often (since its two main ingredients are butter and, um, butter), but it’s such a treat when I do, and my all time favorite is Raspberry Shortbread. So, this recipe from Swamp Hollow Designs is hollering my name big time!
Feel free to grab a button from the sidebar if you’ve been featured!
And now it’s your turn again!
Same “rules” as always:
If you’ve blogged about it, I want to see it!
1. Link to your specific post URL instead of your blog URL (no limit on the number of linkies, so add as many as you like!)
2. Grab a party button so that others can join in the fun! (Text link-backs are great too! : ))
3. Consider visiting/commenting on at least 2 of the other links. You never know what kind of inspiration you might miss out on if you don’t. Plus we all love to read words of encouragement! (I know I do!)
4. PLEASE, no shops or giveaways!
5. If we aren’t already friends, would you do me the honor of getting regular post updates here?:
or you can:
subcribe for email updates,
and/or join our Facebook page!
No categories again this week.
Thank you for the invite! I am so glad I found your blog! I will add you to my link party list so I make sure to come back…and I will follow you on my way out!!
Thanks for featuring my sign! I need to click over to see that wedding picture- how did they do that? These were fun features this week.
Thanks so much for featuring my shortbread recipe this week!!! Such an honour to be featured with so many other AMAZING posts 🙂 Cheers, and happy weekend to all!
Happy Friday, Abbie! Thanks for hosting this party each week!
Thanks for hosting! AWESOME features! Have a great weekend!
Abbie, thanks so much for hosting this. I know it’s a big job getting a party together, and I wanted you to know it’s greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the feature, dear friend!! I realized the other day that this was by far my biggest DIY…why wasn’t I sharing it the most? Thanks for helping to share! 🙂
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks so much for hosting Abbie!
Thanks so much for hosting! I linked up a few things- including an easy beef stroganoff recipe. It’s yummy (but it also has a giveaway at the bottom of the page) so if that’s against the rules, you can delete it. It’s #45. I just wanted to check! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for featuring my paper tape!!
I can’t thank you enough for featuring me! Thank you so much! I hope it speaks to others as much as I feel convicted about it!
Blessings to you!
Awesome Features Abbie!!! Thanks LOTS for hosting!!! XO, Aimee
The wedding picture is cracking me up…love it!!! And I checked out the shortbread…oh yum!!! Thank you so much for sharing the great links with us and for hosting!!!
Thank you for hosting!! Love your blog.
That tape and the wedding? Love, love. Happy Friday! Thanks for hosting!