With one day to go until the official first day of spring, I thought I’d take the whole theme of renewal and fresh beginnings to heart and try something a little different today for Move-it Monday.

Actually, it was my oh-so-smart husband’s idea (which means, of course, that if you don’t like it, you can take it up with him).

I know that “traditionally” (or speaking as traditionally as one can for a 9-month-old blog), Move-it Monday has been about moving our bodies.

And that’s good.

But I know some of my most faithful  readers are not exercisers (I’m looking at you, Morgan-I-eat-ice-cream-on-the-couch-and-never-exercise-and-still-look-like-a-skinny-little-nothin’…hmph!), and nothing I say, show, or vlog may ever change that.

I also know that means that some of you take a pass on reading Move-it Monday, which makes me sad, but I understand (I suppose : )).  

Also, sometimes I feel a bit limited by my self-imposed categories since I can’t necessarily make a “look at this random little nothingness that’s pretty that I did in my house” post work on Move-it Monday.


We broaden the “move-it” part to include rearranging home décor, furniture, etc.

Am I kicking the fitness posts to the curb?

No, no, 1,000 times NO!

But I will be mixing it up a bit with some other ways of “moving it.”

Take today for example:

I had something else planned, but on a whim (blame it on Spring Fever), I ran around “shopping” my house for spring-y items to dress up the sofa table in our living room.

(And then I spent the next three hours trying to get everything set up and photographed with a fussy toddler on my hip…isn’t teething fun?)


During my whirlwind house tour, I ran across a couple of awesome pillow covers (the ones with birds and bunting) that I won (yes, WON) from a giveaway a little while back (my first ever win…this is big, people), so I changed out most of the pillows on the couch, did some fiddling with the table, and—voila—just like that, spring had arrived (and a day early, no less)!


I’m seriously loving all the bright, happy colors!


I’m actually fairly horrendous at seasonal decorating, and I can get something just so (at least in my mind) and then let it stay that way for…months (and months and…).


People that are continually tweaking (T-W-E-A-K-I-N-G…movie reference anyone?) their vignettes—like Emily and Emily (apparently, that name inspires beautiful décor meddling)—sort of intimidate me with their resourceful, energetic, crazy-talented selves (I also wonder a little about their mental health, but that’s beside the point).


But after, taking a few minutes to freshen things up, I can definitely see the appeal.


Isn’t Gus (short for Augustus, of course) the cutest?


I don’t think any of those marks are from little teeth, but that’s only by pure happenstance—certainly not for lack of trying on Della’s part.


I’ve had the print for FORever and only just unwrapped it today. I bought it because it reminds me of my favorite artist, Kim Parker’s work, which is fully of happy colors and unexpected floral shapes, and I can’t believe I only just now got around to doing something with it.

As far as a source list, a very quick rundown goes something like:

Glass cloche, apple candles, candle tray, decorative votive holder, small lamp with multi-colored floral shade, ginormous yellow lamp (not the shade): Goodwill (all less than $2 a piece, except the large lamp, which was $7).

Floral print, aqua bird (Gus): Hobby Lobby (something like $12 for both)

Pretty aqua damask plate: So Vintage Market buy from Mandy ($3)

Cherry Blossom tree-light: birthday gift from my bro

Tall white candlestick: Walmart (don’t remember price)

Fabric: Zig Zag in Village Blue from my favorite inexpensive decorator fabric line—Premier Prints


There you have it in all its typically cheap, thrifted, mishmashed glory:

The first ever Move-it Monday that had nothing to do with fitness (I’m not even going to try to pretend that moving around a couple of knick-knacks was of any cardiovascular benefit to me!).

What do you think?

Like the idea? (hate it?)

Have any other suggestions for things you’d like to see me post about with a “move it” theme?

I’ll be back with more fitness moves and encouragement, so for my fitness buffs, never you fear. I have not abandoned you.

But it never hurts to shake things up a bit (unless it’s in Zumba….in which case, you might be sore afterwards—ha!—a fitness reference after all!).

Hope you guys have a great rest of your Monday!

Linking up with:

The Lettered Cottage


The CSI project ~ Menu Plan Monday ~ C.R.A.F.T.  ~ The Southern Institute ~ Making the World Cuter ~ Thrify Décor Chick ~ Metamorphosis Monday ~ Sumo Sweet Stuff ~ Gunny Sack ~ Singing Three Little Birds ~DIY Homes Sweet Home ~ Dittle Dattle ~ 1929 Charmer ~ Everything Under the Moon  ~ ModMix Monday ~ Sew Stylish ~ Coastal Charm ~ Under the Table and Dreaming

Tuesday ~ Get Your Craft ~ Tip Junkie ~ Blackberry Vine ~ Crafty Confessions ~ Me & my Boys ~ A Bowl Full of Lemons ~ Home Stories A-Z ~ My Uncommon Slice of Suberbia  ~ Carolyn’s Homework ~ Sugar Bee Crafts ~ House of Grace ~ Passionately Artisitc ~ My World Made by Hand ~ Uncommon Designs ~ Trendy Treehouse

Wednesday ~ Blue Cricket Design ~ Somedays Crafts ~ Sew Much Ado ~ Sew Woodsy ~ Handy Man, Crafty Woman ~ Savvy Southern Style ~ {Primp} ~ Midweek Fiesta ~ Rae Gun Ramblings ~ Polkadots On Parade ~ Lollipop Cards ~ JAQS Studio ~ Let Birdz Fly ~ Let Birdz Fly ~ My Girlish Whims

Thursday ~ Thursday Are Your Days, Transformation Thursdays ~ Somewhat simple ~ Show off your stuff ~ House of Hepworths ~ Delightful Order ~ My Simple Home Life ~ The Frugal Girls ~ Thrifty Thursday ~ DIY Diva Thursday ~ Tablescape Thursday ~ No Minimalists Here ~ Crafty, Scrappy, Happy ~ Thrifty Decorating ~ Between U and Me ~ 36th Avenue

Friday ~ The Shabby nest  ~ Show and Tell Friday ~ Finding Fabulous ~ I’m Loving it ~ Simply Sweet Home ~ Whipper Berry ~ Chic on a Shoestring decorating ~ Spunky Junky ~ Delicate Construction ~ Homemaker in Heels ~ Family Ever After~ French Country Cottage ~ Common Ground ~ Young And Crafty ~ At the Picket Fence ~ Fingerprints on the Fridge ~ Miss Mustard Seed ~ Addicted to Decorating ~Bacon Time with The Hungry Hypo ~ Making Lemonade ~ I Can’t Stop Crafting ~ Over the Big Moon ~ Shabby Art ~ Answer is Chocolate

Saturday ~ I heart nap time- Sundae Scoop ~ Tatertots and Jello ~ Be different Act Normal ~ Funky Junk ~ 2805 ~ Making Lemonade Blog ~I am Along for the Ride  ~ Lolly Jane

Sundays ~ Homemaker on a Dime ~ Sunday’s Best


  1. just refreshed my reader, and you’re up first. loving the spring tweaking, and of course, any sort of you’ve got mail love is right up my alley!

  2. A project that needs a little tweaking 🙂 Love You’ve Got Mail, especially that part! Cute vignettes!

  3. I love this!! And, I think moving things in the house is a perfectly acceptable interpretation for Move-It Monday! 🙂

    I’m featuring this later today!!

  4. Hi Abbie! I just found your site via a linky party. I looked around a bit and you have such a cute personality…I love it! Glad I found you. 🙂
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Okay, this Post just makes me SMILE!!! Kudos on a darling Spring look and vignette! I LOVE it! Just for fun, I also posted about a piece of furniture today, and birdies, come to think of it.
    Happy Spring!!!

  6. So cheerful and ready for spring! Love it! I love ‘shopping the house’. You did a fantastic job!

  7. I love your new idea for Monday’s, and I think your decorating is great. When my family moves to the Dallas area, I should email you some pictures of my blank canvas so I can get some ideas of how to decorate my house. What do you think?? 🙂

  8. Leigh Anne, you are just brilliant!

    I love the get moving on your to-do list (chores, house decor, exercise) interpretation. That’s probably what I’ll do!

    Oh, and I bought some freezer paper the other day and can’t wait to research different fun things to do with it!

    Oh, and I’m so glad you’re doing the esquiva/lunge combo. It is pretty killer, isn’t it? : )

  9. Hi Abbie, your house is beautiful! Thanks for finding me at Knot All That I Seam. I’m happy to have found you too! Will definitely be following along! x Julie

  10. I love the fitness posts but I like the idea of applying the “move it” theme to other areas of life also. The decor is super cute.

  11. I think this is a fun “move it” monday! I love to see other people’s decor ideas. I’m also terrible at seasonal decorating (never do it except Christmas). All of your things are really cute and I especially like the tree. I think “move it” monday could also incorporate things like revamping an area of your house (like your closet make-over) or some other project…..kinda like “get a MOVE on that to do list already” monday?? I also enjoy fitness posts and have been trying to work in the lunge combo thingy w/ the kick you posted….man, it is tough. I can see some results in my stamina in my legs, though 🙂 Thanks!

  12. so cute. i think changing up my decor is as invigorating as a good workout! with all the up and down the stairs and furniture moving that’s usually involved it could definitely count, right?!

  13. Love it! I just did a bit of furniture rearranging too, but I don’t have anything near as bight and sunny as your stuff. Darn my love of dark earthy colors. I think I needed to see this to open my eyes to brighter happier tones.

  14. just refreshed my reader, and you’re up first. loving the spring tweaking, and of course, any sort of you’ve got mail love is right up my alley!

I love hearing from you guys!