Last Saturday, I got my last launch out of the way before the twins come.
And since we only introduce new moves and music every 3 months, there’s at least a chance that I could be ready for the next launch three months from now, depending on when the girls to decide to show up.
Not too shabby timing, if I do say so. (I may be singing a different tune 3 months from now).
Tiffany (second from the left) is our gym’s resident creative genius. She has three boys, but she always manages to find time to make launches a little more fun with details like last week’s Olympic-themed décor.
{Go Team Pump!}
After BODYPUMP launch, Mandy and I had the chance to do something fun…
…and that was take rather than teach a BODYCOMBAT class.
{It is very weird for me to see my belly in pics from angles like this; always makes me do a double-take}
We have two newly minted and trained BODYCOMBAT instructors, which is pretty awesome timing since I’ll be out for several weeks at least after the twins are born, and Mandy was going to be left with quite the class load on her own.
Gena (left) and Courtney getting a taste of punching, jumping, kicking, and yelling into a mike.
They did great!
People have been asking me more and more when I’m going to stop exercising.
3 months ago, I would have said, “Whew! I don’t know how long I’ll make it.”
Things were aching and stretching, and my legs felt like absolute lead pretty much the moment I started running or pulsing. And that was when I still had some support from my abs.
But, even though, this time around, I haven’t experienced the 3rd trimester boost of energy that usually comes along with the nesting phase (boo!), physically, I’ve felt considerably less uncomfortable when I exercise than I could have possibly predicted.
With anywhere from 4-8 weeks to go (oh, I hope not 8), I can almost foresee making it all the way up to the end doing at least moderate exercise.
So, my answer when people ask me (with wide-eyed, worried expressions) how much longer I think I’ll be teaching or taking classes is now: “We’ll just have to wait and see. I’ll stop when it hurts.”
And, Lord willing, that won’t happen until the day when things start hurting for a completely different reason {shudder}.
Not looking forward to that part, but, man, I can’t wait to hold my girls!
if i remember correctly, keeping fit and exercising is a terrific bonus for that debut of your babies!!!!keep up the good work.
HELLO!!!!!! HELLO!!!!! HELLO!!!!! Oh I am so happy to finally be back.. I actually just posted a summary of what I went through today. Look at how cute you look. Oh my what a treat it was for me to read and find out your having TWINS!!! a double blessing. It’s so crazy at how I am having to learn how to blog all over again some of the platforms and homepages have changed and to think I was already Technically challenged to begin with 🙂 Well blessings to you and yours this day.
You are a total kick ass mama in my book! And seriously, SUCH an inspiration to me right now. I am 11 weeks right now, and an avid, runner and BC + BP participant. I love to see that you are continuing to work out (with twins no less!). When you said that your legs feel like lead – I totally relate (already!) and am continuously trying to push through. “I’ll stop when it hurts.” That’s exactly what my doc said and I am making it my motto from here out 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration that I needed to hear today!!!
I haven’t had a chance to do any of the new releases, we went for a day trip on my gym’s release day so I can’t wait to do the new ones!
You go girl! I say go for it! You are totally inspirational too 🙂 If you can rock it like that w/ twins, then surely I can do it (w/ no baby in my tummy)….haha! Love the pics!
You look great!!!!!