Here are 5 things that just make my heart happy.


A pretty candle (from the deep discount shelf) that reminds me of just how good I have it. (Plus tulips—my favorite flower—from a certain man who blesses my life every day).

God is good.



Visits from “out-of-town” friends.


{Yes, I know that it’s unfair that it’s warm enough for shorts here; this has been the mildest winter!}


{Pardon the photobombing scamp in the background; aren’t the girls getting big?}

Our friends, Lisa and Eric, with their little boy, Jacob, came from Dallas to stay the night with us for Shaun’s birthday, and we had so much fun playing games (including a very geeky Star Trek version of Settlers of Catan), eating way too much good food, and planning Della’s and Jacob’s wedding.


They seem like they’re fairly onboard with the idea.


Hot glue gun “art.”


Okay, so I don’t know that this makes my “heart happy,” exactly. But I did think it was cool.


An adorable(and delicious) local fair trade cake shop called Sweet Hope Cafe. They even have a play area in the back for kiddos.


Which Della clearly loves. If you live around me, you should totally check it out!


Sweet notes from even sweeter 6 1/2-year-olds.


I sent this note with a little packet of M&Ms with Ezra (Simon got one too) to school yesterday morning. And when I picked them up, Ezra had reciprocated with his own note and one of the peanut butter crackers from his lunch. Man, I love that kid!

And now I simply must know…

What’s making your heart happy right now?


  1. 1. Pictures of your babies. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I get with every new picture of them you post!

    2. Any sunshine we may get these days. East TN has been bombarded with rain, snow, ice… I want to move to TX.

    3. Blogging/Writing. It’s just so much fun! 😀

    4. Coffee.

    5. God’s unfailing mercy, forgiveness, grace, and comfort. 🙂 I totally cheated and listed 4 in one, but I think I can get away with that, can’t I? 😉

    By the way, I did my own 5 Things Thursday post:

  2. What a joyful post! I esp love the pics of the girlies! They’re getting so big…..just amazing 🙂
    I have a happy/grateful heart today……..
    Yesterday I was at work and hubby was watching the kids. My middle son disobeyed and was scooping rocks right on the side of a major road exactly where he wasn’t supposed to be. Hubby was working on an irrigation well about 100 yrds away (he’s a farmer/rancher). All the sudden hubby heard screeching breaks & honking. It was a neighbor of ours & he was FREAKED out when he saw a little boy almost in the road! He jumped out and scooped up my little one & held him tight. At the same time, hubby starts yelling & my son is crying & freaked out too. Just shortly behind the pickup was a tractor! It was such a close call, but I know the Lord was watching over him. I started crying today just telling my mom-in-law about it. We are blessed today! Praise the Lord!

I love hearing from you guys!