In less than one month, Evy and Nola will be 1-year-old. Are you shocked? Because I’m not. I’m something a little closer to completely-blown-away-and-in-utter-denial. How in the name of ridiculously small newborn diapers and night-time feedings has it already almost been one full year since this happened?
How in the world did they get from this:
to this?:
I don’t know. Because I’m pretty sure they were doing their best impressions of (adorable) sleeping little sluglettes only yesterday. And now, they’re crawling and teething and standing up (Evy is doing some really awesome “surfing” these days) and babbling and saying their brothers’ names (I’m trying not to take it too personally that Nola decided to say “Ezra” before she even gave “Mama” a fair shake).
So, with all this almost-oneness comes the looming prospect of a 1st birthday party TIMES TWO!
I’ve been plumbing the shallows depths of my mama brain to come up with a completely original, totally great, kid-friendly, fantastically awesome Twin Party.
In other words, I’ve been on Pinterest. (You can find me here).
And here’s what I’ve come up with so far:
Love the bloomers and the balloons (actually, everything in the shot is absolutely gorgeous!).
This invitation is pretty stinkin’ adorable too.
As is this one:
Owls seemed to be a common twin theme, although I don’t think there’s any explanation for that (in my brief Google “research,” I didn’t turn up any support for owls being born in pairs). But, while I think this invitation is crazy-cute, and I’m a fan of all the owl-dorableness (groan), my trend-bucking tendencies pretty much won’t allow me to do something that’s so popular right now.
Speaking of been there, done that…
Yup. Not too surprisingly, Thing 1/Thing 2 was the most common twin-themed party idea in all of Pinterest-land.
Oddly enough, I didn’t see a single entry for these guys:
Okay, so maybe it’s not so odd. After all, who wants to throw their darling babies a party based around a pair of dour, bowling-ball-shaped brothers? I mean, even if you are into dressing up your little ones in primary colors, flag-topped beanies, and floppy collars + bow-ties, your twins are going to be too busy being grumpy about the atomic wedgies they get from those red, armpit-level pants to enjoy their cake. Plus, how do you decide which one has the misfortune of being Tweedle-DUM?
So…obviously, I’ve mostly managed to figure out what I DON’T want to do.
Of course, I could always just go with my husband’s suggestion and make this little cutie our 1st birthday mascot.
According to him (and, again, Google) armadillos are the only mammal who gives birth to identical quadruplets…every single time. (Poor Mama Armadillo).
While that’s super-interesting and all, I took it upon myself to remind him that armadillos are gross and that we don’t have identical quadruplets. Also, armadillos are gross.
Then again, I think I know what the cake would look like:
And then our signature party colors could be “blush and bashful.”
That’s it. Our party theme is SET. It’s going to be epic.
So, I do like the idea of customized birthday onesies. These are cute:
And I think my favorite idea so far is to avoid a specific theme altogether in favor of a general theme of the “Two are better than one,” verse from Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 that I wrote on the little chalkboard in their room.
So, here’s where you come in. I’ve got some ideas already, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on things that are better in pairs (or, at the very least, come in pairs…and don’t look like armadillos).
Just leave me a comment with your suggestion, and then, when I do a party post, you’ll see which ones I ended up using! Thanks ahead of time for your help!
Oh Boy! That armadillo cake is wrong on so many levels… “Anyone for an armadillo appendage?” (not to mention that the choc inside looks kinda like raw ‘meat’… ew). And I KNOW you can do way better than Thing 1 and Thing 2.
The balloon and bloomers shot, the first invite are rather adorable. I LIKE the idea of the “…two are better than one…” quote. And I know they are girls and all (so feel free to go with pink), but how about some yellow? Or orange? Or aqua/terquoise?
Thinking… thinking…
Remember those blocks you used in your pregnancy shoot to spell out their names? That could make a cool deocor feature! 🙂 And do you have any magnolia flowers (the big creamy whilte ones?) around where you live?
Whatever you do – it will have all the creative flair that God blessed you with – so it will be awesome, and I can’t wait to see what you do!!! 🙂
Sheree x0x
When I think of twos, the book Wings on Things always pops into my head because of the line “Wings come in twos like ?? and shoes” Sorry that I can’t remember the whole line!! And I can’t put my hands on that book right now, erg! It’s a Dr. Seuss like book, but I think it is written by Marc Brown? I am sure whatever theme you choose, it will be adorable because your girls are adorable!!
Ok, what about a “pairs” party with pears? And I do also like the cherries idea, too!
Can’t wait to see what you choose!
I love thing 1 & 2, and the twice the fun invite. Congratulations!
I asked my daughter, who came up with a lemon/lime color scheme, which would be kind of cool, and then googled it and came up with gambling/casinos…so yah, my contribution would be a lemon lime/peanut butter/jelly, etc…bday. Maybe a casino party when they are older? (jk, LOL)
Two peas in a pod? Maybe that’s a given or maybe no one thought of it yet? Also, armadillos. Abbie, it could be epic. Think of the fame and glory you would receive on pinterest when your armadillo-themed birthday party pictures go viral. Picture the kiddos blowing out candles with helmets on top of their heads instead of party hats. Seriously. E-pic. Just sayin’.
Cherries are sometimes stuck together in twos.
ooo, google cherry themed birthdays and check out the images. Cute stuff! I’m sure whatever you choose will be just adorable and twin-a-licious!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the reference to Steel Magnolias 😉
They are super cute – and Pintrest will just make you feel like you have to do a MILLION things to make their first birthday extravagant. But you will do an awesome job either way!
I would say… don’t focus so much on a theme and just have FUN! Serve up a gazillion cupcakes, dress your littles in something matchy and adorable, fly some balloons and go with it!
hey abbie. what about penguins… penguins mate for life, so they are basically always in “pairs”… now, while your girlies dont fall into that exact same idea…. they will always have a “play mate” for life… and they will always be “sisters for life”. you could have a lot of fun with the black and white color scheme…. just a thought…. twin themes are kinda hard.
I love the The Twin Tutu Baby and the customized onesies. They are super cute! Thing 1 and Thing 2 is also cute and fun.
I hope you find the best theme party for them!
Obviously, the first thing that comes to mind is a Noah’s Ark theme (2 by 2), but I love the Sugar & Spice idea! You could do a great candy bar… or chocolate bar 😉 (include some Mexican chocolate for the “spice” part) 😉 Or you could do a whole buffet of food pairs, like “PB&J”, “Cookies & Cream”, cheese & crackers, etc. 🙂
Just for hysterical laughs –
Biblical pairs: Grace/Mercy, Animals in the ark (boy/girl, I know), Mark 6:7 Jesus sends the disciples out 2 by 2, Naomi/Ruth (as close as I could get to 2 girls)
You could serve “pairs” for the party food (with condiments of salt & pepper, ketchup & mustard): peanut butter & jelly, vanilla & chocolate, hot dogs & hamburgers or burgers & fries, mac & cheese, chips & salsa, spaghetti & meatballs, milk and cookies and of course – CAKE AND ICE CREAM
Relax and have fun.
Wasn’t there some commercial about two better than one and something about double mint gum? Don’t ask me how that relates to party….
Our twin girls’ first birthday was a Sugar N Spice theme… That was three years ago and it’s been done a lot since then. BUT it was super easy and adorable and fun!!
Bookends? Everyone could bring two of their favorites childhood books as gifts. Thus making it easy and inexpensive for the party-goers. Cheesy, I know. 🙂
Haha! Please don’t do an armadillo party! 🙂 (Actually, I just saw one yesterday. A real armadillo, not a pastry one.)
Aw, man! But the cake would be so awesome! 🙂