One time about 4 years ago, I was walking along with friends in a department store, and I spotted a floral romper and declared loudly: “Oh man! I just can’t get behind this onesie trend. I will never wear a romper.”

Just as the word “romper” left my lips, a statuesque (read: she could have beat. me. down) girl strolled by wearing—you guessed it—a romper.

As you can imagine, I was suddenly very quiet as we slipped by her, and then we all burst into subdued giggles as my friends hissed things like, “Way to go, Abbie. Why don’t you shove your foot a little farther down your throat?”

Fortunately, for all involved, either the girl didn’t hear me, or she was too worried about wrinkling her denim onesie to engage in a round of fisticuffs. Either way, we emerged unscathed.

But you know what they say about never and how you’re, well, never supposed to say it?


A little while ago, I spotted Kendi wearing a black jumpsuit on her blog, and then a few more popped up on blog-land and on Pinterest, and, much to my surprise and chagrin, I found myself trolling the internets for a black onesie of my own.

Now, I do stand by my aversion to shorts rompers, but for some reason, the pants version in black (and only in black) appeals to me.

So, I ordered this one from Forever 21 and wore it the other day.

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Honestly, I don’t know if I’m completely sold on this exact onesie. But my husband didn’t hate it like I thought he might (although he refused to touch any part of it since it’s made from the dry, papery texture that he abhors), and it was something a little bit different and fun for me. So, I’m okay with its not being a complete slam dunk.

skinny jumpsuit

skinny jumpsuit1

So, tell me, have you ever worn something (even if it’s only a version of it) of something you swore you never would?

And specifically, what do you think about the onesie trend? I was about to reiterate the fact that I only like the black pants version, but just in looking for links while writing this post, I saw a few patterned ones I didn’t hate. It’s a slippery slope, my friends.


  1. After palazzo pants left in the 90’s I swore I would never wear them again. I hate to admit my Easter outfit this year included palazzo pants and I loved them!!! My mom might have said I looked like a court jester!
    As for the jumpsuit, I think it’s adorable! I could never wear it because I have a bladder the size of a junior mint!

  2. A few years ago I tried on a black halter-top shorts romper. I didn’t get it, but I still sometimes wish I had. I looked HOTT. And I’ve always been firmly against all versions of orange (closest I came was a peach dress when I was a year old), but somehow I now have a coral top and a sunset skirt and a one-shoulder top with pink and orange flowers. Never say never, I guess…

  3. I hate one pieces, too hard to go to the bathroom. I never wear jeans. haste the feel of the,seams. also denim should be for gardeninor horse back riding not dress up. I wore Bell bottoms when I was 14 and rocked them cuz I am 5 10. when they came back I hated them

  4. I said NEVER to skinny jeans & ankle boots and now I have both! Haha! I have resisted on the Aztec print, chevron, hi-lo hems, wedge sneakers, track pants & loud florals. Who knows I could be rockin a floral top with chevron track pants & wedge sneakers next week, but
    prob not. :)) I haven’t been in love with the romper but I think yours is super cute! It isn’t nursing friendly so prob by the time I’m finished nursing they won’t be a trend anymore….haha!

  5. I said I’d never wear leggings or skinny jeans. I had it in my head that I wouldn’t look good in them…and now my only skinny jeans are bright colors 🙂

  6. Skinny jeans. And then we went to France and I took some along to try to not look quite so American 😉 and was surprised that I actually liked them! Haha!

  7. Being tall I highly doubt there is a onesie that will fit my torso and legs. So I am happy not to have to have an opinion about them! That said, it looks great on you, especially with those shoes

  8. I bought a chambray one for my 5-yo, but she hasn’t worn it yet, because it’s too much of a hassle when going to the toilet… 🙂 I remember stating (about 10 years ago) that I would NEVER EVER wear skinnies… Ahem. Although, I tried my first pair on when 8 months pregnant with my first. Let me tell you, that kept me off them for a few years! 😉
    You can totally pull it off though, wearing a onesie!

  9. I have always been staunchly anti-romper. However, I must admit that I really love the kind that are like the one you are wearing on top, but with huge flowing palazzo pants on the bottom. They look so comfy. But, I don’t know if I’d have the guts to wear them!

  10. you can so pull them off! they look great on you. I say never to a jumpsuit personally because I have “breeder” hips and I honestly don’t think they work well on pier shaped women. my sister has a similar shape to yours and she wears them beautifully

  11. I always said never, but I tried on one the other day and kinda liked it. I wasn’t sure it would get a lot of wear though, so I ended up putting it back, but maybe someday.

  12. I’ve really been wanting a black jumpsuit. So chic! But, I’m mega-super-due in a few weeks preg, so trying one on is a hilarious no-go. : ) Rock on, Abbie.

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