So, obviously, if you read the title of this post, you might be able to decipher that I’m just a wee bit excited about my new giveaway.
When Lisa Leonard of Lisa Leonard Designs (she makes the cutest/most beautiful hand-stamped jewelry just in case you somehow have managed not to stumble across her work yet) contacted me about sponsoring my blog and doing a giveaway, you better believe that I responded with a great big, “YES, please!” in a heartbeat (or however many heartbeats it took for me to breathe into a paper bag first, that is).
Her work is so pretty. Which is fitting because so is she, inside and out. She’s even participating in my PCM fundraiser in November!
And $75 worth of that self-same pretty work can be yours for the low, low price of…well, entering the giveaway. That was easy, huh?
Just click on the Lisa Leonard Designs giveaway button on the sidebar, and enter away to your little heart’s content (make sure to leave comments for every individual action you complete since comments = entries). Entries close Saturday, October 1st at midnight, which just so happens to be the same cut-off time for The September Giveaway, so if you haven’t checked out all the loveliness to be won there yet, please…by all means!
Okay, so in other news, I got dressed this week. What a relief, right?
And I even took decent pictures.
And I’m going to show them to you.
On our way from back from our trip to San Antonio this past weekend, I talked my sweet husband into dropping Della and me off at the San Marcos outlet malls while he took the boys to check out the fishing gear at Cabela’s. It had literally been months since I’d done any significant shopping at a retail store. Kind of a side effect of running a 100% thrifted style blog, I suppose.
Of course, I spent over half of my time there at the Pottery Barn Outlet, where I scored an absolutely awesome deal on a chandelier that I’ve been pining for for a while now. But I did manage to squeak into Banana Republic for a few minutes, and, of course, I made a beeline for the clearance racks. Nothing struck my fancy except for this red-orange “dress” (another one of those, “Really? Do people actually wear this with nothing on their bottom halves?” moments). It also happened to be one of the most discounted items I saw. But I couldn’t find it in my size for the life of me. And believe-you-me, it was standing out against all of the typical Banana-neutrals. Just when I’d given up, though, I spotted one more flash of color tucked away in the corner, and sure enough, it was my size. Yippee!
Now, for your input. What color would you say this top is? Red? Orange? I say one, and my husband (who is red-green colorblind, I might add) says the other. He assured me that everyone who saw it would agree with him, so here’s my chance to test out his claim.
What say you, lovely readers?
What color is my top?
Top: Banana Republic Outlet ($15), Skirt: Goodwill ($3), Shoes: Beall’s ($11), Earrings: Payless ($8), Bracelet: thrfited (don’t remember), Bag: leather Le Borse/Marshall’s splurge ($60)
TOTAL: $97 (Shoooo-wee. After typing everything in the teens for Secondhand or Bare Bottom, that looks like an awfully high number!)
Yes, I know this outfit is a repeat from this weekend, but it was so bright when we took those pics that I wanted to give it another shot with more forgiving light. And my favorite red, thrifted belt. And no, I did not wash it between wearings (some of you were wondering…and judging; you know who you are).
I was trying to alternatively sympathize with and cheer up Della who was bawling her pretty little eyes out on the grass right beside my husband.
I had no idea I had such a pronounced vein running down the middle of my forehead. I feel a bit dinosaurish somehow.
I scored a ginormous bolt of this pretty, aqua linen from a friend for $2/yard! So, I brought a bit with me and spent a good portion of the drive down to San Antonio cutting out petals for starched linen flowers like this one (tutorial coming soon…promise!).
Dress: Target ($15), Shoes: Gifted, Belt: Goodwill ($1), Earrings (same as above)
TOTAL: $24
Top: Forever 21/Goodwill ($3), Skirt: Target ($4), Shoes: Major Dillard’s clearance from 9 years ago ($7), Belt: GW ($1), Jewelry: GW ($5)
TOTAL: $20
Polish with all three outfits: Kook-a-Mango by Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure.
Don’t forget to stop back by for a guest-post from Nina of Momma Go Round. If you are or have ever been stuck in a fashion rut, you won’t want to miss it!
Have a fantastic Wednesday, and meet me back here tomorrow for Five Things Thursday, okay?
Linking up:
Bitsy arrived on 9/27 at 11:56 am. She weighed in at 8lbs 4oz and was 20″ long with a 15″ head!!! We are all doing well and I’ve posted the birth story on my blog 🙂
Sooooo exciting! I’ll be checking your blog for updates!
Yeah, my friend posted her fabric on facebook for her friends to say if they were interested, and I jumped on it like a duck on a junebug. ; )
Hubby said orange. I said red. The majority voted orange. Oh well. : )
Thanks, Cassi!
The yellow skirt outfit is soo cute
LOVE your outfits! I love that red-orange color, too. I have several things in that or a similar color and it depends on the way the light hits when I take a pic which color it looks like. I voted “orange.” What color did your hubby say it was? Followed you here from The Pleated Poppy.
So I’m loving all of these outfits, especially that dress from the weekend… and really, a little jealous that you got that aqua linen for $2/yard… I just bought a half yard of aqua european linen for … GASP, way more than that!
As always, you are uber stylish! I love it!
I’m feeling wonderful! I am at 38-1/2 weeks and the doctor said Thursday that I could go into labor at any minute….I’m already dilated to 3! So we shall see….
You deserve the compliments you are an inspiration! 😀
Yeah…EVERY now and then if I think I can’t possibly find it for less elsewhere…I splurge. : )
And thank you for the compliments. You are always so sweet and encouraging, and I am grateful for you! How are you feeling? ‘Bout to pop? ; )
Loving that first outfit!
The simplicity of the color palate and the fitted-ness make it an adorable mix!
Happy to see a splurged item, wanted to know I’m not the only one who likes to do that from time to time 😉