Don’t you love working on something on your computer for over an hour and then having it freeze/disappear with no hope for recovery? (Even after you call your brilliant, computer-savvy husband…assuming you have one of those…which, if you don’t, I suggest you get one…unless you’re already married because that could get awkward).
I know it’s one of my most favorite things ever.
Oh well, there are worse things in life, I’m sure. I just can’t think of them right now (kidding!).
The theme for this week’s:
…is My Favorite Color.
I would love it if you would link up (or leave comments about) whatever 5 things in your favorite color that are capturing your fancy at the moment, but if you’d rather just link up 5 pieces of randomness or a different theme, I’m totally fine with that as well.
The “rules”:
Please link up to your specific 5 Things post rather than your blog’s homepage, and
Please place the Five Things Thursday button (left sidebar) somewhere on your page or post so that others can join in the fun.
That’s it!
Happy list-making! : )
My favorite color is blue-green. But that sounds lame, so let’s use more descriptive words like aqua, teal, turquoise, cyan, and robin’s egg, okay?
I’m not picky about where I find them either.
I love them in:
1. Home décor—
Source: via Abbie on Pinterest
Source: via Abbie on Pinterest
Source: via Abbie on Pinterest

Source: via Abbie on Pinterest

Source: via Abbie on Pinterest
2. In fashion—
Source: via Abbie on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Abbie on Pinterest

Source: via Abbie on Pinterest

Source: via Abbie on Pinterest

Source: via Abbie on Pinterest
3. On doors—

Source: via Abbie on Pinterest

Source: via Abbie on Pinterest
Source: via Abbie on Pinterest
4. On everyday items—
Source: via Abbie on Pinterest

Source: via Abbie on Pinterest

Source: via Abbie on Pinterest

Source: Uploaded by user via Janice on Pinterest
5. And, of course, on my fingernails—

Source: via Gwyn on Pinterest

Source: via Taylor on Pinterest
Can you tell someone finally drank the Pinterest Koolaid?
So, what about you guys…what’s your favorite color?
Do share!
luv luv luv that blue flower belt! and that kitchen aid mixer resides in my kitchen right now. you can not find another blue like marta stewart blue, i just need the blender now! and i totally <3 pinterest! its addictive tho!
Just found your blog through Vintage Velda’s site. Thought it would be fun to do a five things post on my favorite color. Thanks for hosting. Love your color almost as much as apple green.
Haha, drank the Pinterest koolaid. Love it. I also drank it this week, but am trying not let the “cult” take over my life completely! :0)
Hoping to have my post up later.
LIME GREEN ALL THE WAY!!! The world seems to be coming around to my fav color lately, too. It seems like it’s popping up everywhere! 🙂
You know purple is associated with royalty, right? I think there could be much worse colors to be obsessed with. ; )
Purple. I have a rather unnatural obsession with the color purple. Not the wussy light lavender color (though it’s not bad either), but real purple. I even have purple tips on my fingernails right now. They make me happy every time I look at them. 🙂 I have it all over the house in little ways: purple lava lamp, purple quilts, even my dog’s toy woobie is purple. Hmmm. I may have some issues.