It’s that time again! (I say this as if it’s my 53rd party, instead of just my 3rd ; )).
Time to show off your mad DIY skillz, your cheeky storytelling, your killer style, your …you get the idea.
It’s the Feature Friday FREE-FOR-ALL!
If you’ve blogged about…I want to see it!
But first, a message from my #1 sponsor:
I love me some tulips.
I’m pretty sure the message is: “I love you,” and my #1 sponsor is most definitely my husband.
Don’t you love “just because” flowers?
Say it with me, girls: Aaaaaaaawwwww.
(Hey, Valentine’s is only a few week’s away. I can afford to be a little sappy, surely. At least I didn’t call him “Schmoopie!”)
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program…
I’m so very inspired by all you talented people (a little too inspired…you’re definitely contributing to my project ADD, you enablers, you!).
And here are a few folks who really caught my eye this week:
In our Fashion section, I couldn’t help but notice this beyond adorable Circus-themed ensemble that the mega-talented Angelina over at Ruby Jean made.
She made every bit of it, y’all!
Are you dying a little? I am. This woman is tal-ent-ed (and super-nice, you should really go pay her a visit!)
I also love the flowy, yet polished look that Erin at Captivated by Grace put together! Comfy and cute are always winners in my book!
And I’m really digging my friend Nina’s (Momma go round) cute polka-dot skirt with the pops of color from the purple tights and her yellow belt! Très chic, girl!
And finally, in the fashion category, Ruby Girl caught my eye with this fun little number (make sure you click over to see the rest!)
In the “Everything Else” category (I know…super-specific, right?…I may need to narrow that down, but for now, it works)…
How about a two-for-one special?
Design Empire showed of this gorgeous (and THRIFTY! Yes, that word makes my pupils dilate a bit!) coastal white table-scape:
…AND this so cute-it-shouldn’t-even-be-legal framed bird art:
Speaking of rocking artwork, Mommy for Reals made this fantastic tree block appliqué, and I am just smitten with the design and fabrics she chose!
Under the “I’m TOTALLY doing this” header, I’m filing Happy Go Lucky’s Fabric and Vinyl Rug away for (not too distant) future reference. Such a great idea!
And if you like your organization with a side of pretty, you could stand to take notes from self-proclaimed Ms. Smartie Pants who organized all of her cookbooks so cutely that I almost feel inspired to go tidy something up and cover it in scrapbook paper just for fun (almost…but not quite).
You should also go check out how It All Started With Paint lives up to her name by transforming her entryway/mudroom with lots of DIY and a helpful husband. Isn’t it fabulous?!
If you’ve been reading long, then you KNOW I love me some blue-green like I love no other color.
So, when I spotted this mantel display by Mosaic of Grace featuring a turquoise ladder, I swooned a little.
LOVE the bold jolt of color against all the neutrals!
In the non-project category, I was struck by the simplicity of this phrase shared by Erika of Earth Muffin Manor as part of The KtKronicles’ “Loving My Small Home” series.
Erika said: “The less I own, the less owns me and I like this.” (Erika lives in a 900 sq.ft. house and has six children, by the way).
Good, good stuff.
And to round out our awesome features this week, I thought I’d give you a heads-up that my friend, Aimee, from It’s Overflowing is doing a series on mastering your DSLR Camera. Her husband’s a photographer who is teaching her all the ins and outs, and I can personally attest to the fact that his lessons much be working because Aimee’s pics are beautiful!
If you’ve been featured, feel free to grab a button from the sidebar to show off!
You guys are rock stars!
(P.S. I realize the food category got gypped this week. I ran out of room, but I will rectify that for sure next week!)
And now for our final order of business before it’s time to link already!
I’m so excited that Cutting Edge Stencils is offering you the chance to win one of their awesome stencils (up to a $50 value)!!!
If you have a furniture revamp, a room redo, a pillow to paint…Cutting Edge Stencils has gotcha covered!
I’m especially in love with their Oasis design:
Better yet, they even have super easy-to-understand how-to videos to help the stencil novice (that would be me) get a hang of the technique!
OKAY, so how you do you enter?
1. Be a follower of 5D5W
2. Like Cutting Edge Stencils on Facebook
3. Like 5D5W on our Facebook page!
4. Subcribe for email updates,
(Leave me a comment telling me each action you complete!!!)
Every single link you add to this week’s party counts as an entry into the giveaway.
So…best get crackin’ (er…linking).
Same “rules” as always:
1. Link to your specific post URL instead of your blog URL (no limit on the number of linkies, so add as many as you like!)
2. Grab a party button so that others can join in the fun! (Text link-backs are great too! : ))
3. Consider visiting/commenting on at least 2 of the other links. You never know what kind of inspiration you might miss out on if you don’t. Plus we all love to read words of encouragement! (I know I do!)
4. PLEASE, no shops or giveaways!
I added my email to your updates!
I am your newest follower, I liked you on Facebook, I liked Cutting Edge Stencils on Facebook, I added my post to your party and I hope I win!!!! Seriously, I love your blog. Thanks for connecting.
I am now a follower and added the Shabby Dress Form belt that I made and you asked me to join the party! Thanks
Thanks for linking up and following! Too fun!
And I’ve subscribed for e-mail updates. Hope I did all the entry requirements right!
I already like Cutting Edge Stencils on FB, and now I like you on FB too 🙂
Just signed up to follow 5D5W 🙂
Wow, what a great blog party! Thanks for letting me know about it 🙂 I’ve linked up my eCraft ball project 🙂
I subscribed via email! Thanks!
I Like 5D5W on Facebook!
I like Cutting Edge Stencils on Facbeook!
I am a follower of your blog! abigayleconner [at] gmail [dot] com
I subscribed via email too!
I liked you on Facebook (from my Little Green Bow page)
I liked Cutting Edge Stencils on Facebook (from my Little Green Bow page)
Hi Abbie,
Thanks for stopping by Little Green Bow. I’ve linked up a couple of my latest projects and am now following you through Google Reader. Cheers!
I like you on FB now!
I like cutting edge stencils on FB!
I’m following you now!
I liked cutting edge stencils on fb!
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I like Five Days 5 Ways on Facebook!
I liked Cutting Edge Stencils on Facebook!
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I’m subscribed too!
I’m following you blog.
i subscribed for new posts by email
i liked 5D5W on facebook
i liked cutting edge stencils on facebook
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I m a follower!
Liked cutting edge and subscribed to emails!
Subscribed to emails!!
I like Cutting Edge on Facebook
I am following 5D5W on Facebook (on of my favorite pages)
Subscribed to emails:)
I already like Cutting Edge on Facebook:)
I follow you through GFC:)
I liked you on Facebook
Shared on my FB page!!! XO, Aimee
I’m a new follower of 5D5W.
I liked Cutting Edge on fb as well! Thanks for the opportunity! 🙂
I liked 5d5w on FB!
I am a follower!
I am a follower!
Hi Abbie! I did them all, following, likes, button and a link! OOps, I think I put MY name on the link instead of the Link name. That a picture of baby goat triplets, not me lol. Well, I am just getting started with my blog, and you are such an inspiration! You have fabulous taste, style and….I could go on and on. I always enjoy your posts!
Thanks for hosting, Abbie! Have a lovely weekend 🙂
I subscribed to your emails!
I liked Cutting Edge Stencils on Facebook!
I’m already a follower!
these are all awesome features! i am a follower and i like cutting edge on fb… and i love that “love” in the frame! 🙂
Lastly, and hopefully luckily, I will now get your emails.
In addition, I now like you on the facebook.
Also, I like Cutting Edge Stencils on the facebook.
My sewing room is waiting, begging, CRYING for some stenciling! I follow your blog!
I liked you on FB
I liked Cutting Edge on FB
I would love to win some Cutting Edge Stencils!
I like your 5D5W page on FB!
I like Cutting Edge on Facebook!
I’m a follower! Love your site and I LOVE me some Cutting Edge Stencils!!!
Thank you so much for featuring my tree block! I really appreciate it! Love your site! Consider me a new follower!
What talented people you featured! Lovely tulips too! I’ve been stalking Costo, just waiting until I can get a big bunch of tulips there.
Thanks so much for the double feature. That’s never happened to me before. I’m staying at my mums and am so glad I could let you know how much I appreciate it via her computer. Will now try and link up again
Carolyn xx
I linked up the Minnie Mouse Party decorations
I love your blog! I follow you on Google Reader!
I linked up How to Apply Piping Cord
I linked up the Embellished Pillow.
I like them on FB!
Thanks for hosting- I follow you on GFC!
Thank you so Much Abbie for the Feature… But Thank you EVEN MORE for the Very Sweet words… 🙂 Just finished linking up the “Fabulous 50’s”…. Have a GREAT week!!!
Abbie, thanks so much for the feature! And congrats on so many link ups. So exciting!
I’m all linked up again …
liked cutting edge on facebook too. hope I win!!
liked you on facebook
followed you!
I added my email to your updates!
I liked your fb fan page!
I liked cutting edge on fb!
I am a follower of yours!
Ahaaha! Parenthetical BFFs! I Like the sound of THAT!
i love parentheses, therefore, this makes us bffs in my mind! 😉
and i follow!
Wow, thanks for including me in a group with such great talent!
I liked Cutting Edge Stencils on Facebook!
I am already following you!
I Like CES on FB!
I Like 5D5W on Facebook!
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I subscribed to email updates for 5D5W!
I follow you already GLADLY!! Thanks for the feature sweet friend!!!
I already like Cutting Edge on FB!
I already like 5D5W on FB!
I’m already a follower of 5D5W!
“The less I own, the less owns me and I like this.” I don’t just like this. I LOVE this …
Abbie, thanks for the feature and including me with some amazing ladies …
Always love gettin’ crazy at your party (I say that like I’ve partied here a hundred times instead of 2 :). But really, I do love your party – such great energy! Thanks for hosting and sharing the great features. Have a wonderful weekend.
And I linked up strawberry champagne cupcakes!!
I linked up my “reasons i love you valentines advent banner” … sweet little loves notes for the hubs 🙂
Hi Abbie – I am a FDFW follower! Awesome giveaway and thanks for hosting!!
Thanks for the feature today hun!! 🙂
I subscribed to your email updates.
Angie @ Knick of Time
I liked 5D5W on FB! Thanks for the chance to enter and win!
Angie @ Knick of Time
I liked Cutting Edge Stencils on FB!
Angie @ Knick of Time
I’m a follower of 5D5W!
Angie @ Knick of Time
thanks so much for hosting! I’ve been eying those stencils for a while