Good morning, folks!

If I were to list all the things I need/want to get moving on this Monday and then all the things I’ll still have waiting for me tomorrow no matter how much I get after it today…I think I would totally freak myself out (and bore you).

So, I won’t do it.

Instead, I will remind myself and hopefully encourage you with this fact:

My Album 4-001

He doesn’t guarantee us tomorrow or even tell us to make sure our ducks are in a row for it (quite the opposite if you read Matthew 6), but he does promise this:

“’My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

And while I’m pretty sure that doesn’t mean that He’ll wave his God-wand and plunk a passel of finished painting and sewing projects down in my lap, I think it does mean that if I give Him my crankiness, my sleepiness, my I-don’t-want-to-do-this-because-my-feet-hurt-ness…He will give me the grace today to be kind, alert, and non-whiny enough to love others and bring glory to Him, regardless of how many things I check off the list.

Let me assure you that I am primarily preaching to the choir (myself), but I know so many of you are harried mamas, students, professionals, etc., and I have the oddest inkling that I might not be alone in wanting to skip Move-it Monday entirely.

(How about Mull-over-it-then-do-it-tomorrow Monday? Better?).

And yet, that’s not really an option, now is it?

So, do I what I hope to do today, and take the grace He offers for the now.

And remember—when you are weak, He is strong.

P.S. Don’t forget to go enter our $50 Shabby Apple giveaway! That ought to make Monday a little more bearable.

I love hearing from you guys!