On this rainy Thursday (although…the sun just now poked its head through the clouds and is smiling down on the trees as they sway in the breeze)…
Two of the cute kiddos I am blessed to call mine keeping their heads close together on the ride to school (Della asks, “Where’s Ez-yah?” all day long on school days).
The lovely ladies of Goodwill, who were looking awfully fierce as I took the twins on their inaugural Goodwill run this morning. (Which means it had been at least 5 months since I’d gone; Holy cow).
Four girls mining for thrifting gold (okay, so Nola was way more interested in getting her fingers tangled up in my hair).
Evy, sucking her thumb in attempt to go to her happy place after Mama stayed too long at Goodwill. (Also, I spy rust pants with a striped turquoise top; and love handles…I spy those too).
And now for the news you’ve all been waiting for. The answer to the burning question in your minds. The…okay, I’ll quit.
60% of you said that Exhibit B was thrifted.
Top: Target, $7 |
Tank + Top: GW, $5 |
And 60% of you were right! Well done!
The most commonly cited reasons for choosing B were 1) the trendy peplum top in A, 2) the low-cut style of the top in B, and 3) the puffed sleeves on the jacket in B (It’s a good thing I don’t care much about what’s currently in style, or Anne of Green Gables and I would have to shed a tear or two over puffed sleeves being out of favor; I love puffed sleeves).
And my favorite commenter this week?
Mary, who said:
Well, Mary, you might not have been right (that’s never stopped me from picking a commenter before), but I am so flattered by your faith in my smart shopping skills that I couldn’t resist picking you as the recipient of 5 free entries into TOMORROW’S giveaway (this one’s just for fun!).
As always, I had an absolute BLAST playing this game with y’all. My phone stayed glued to my hand pretty much the entire day (except while I was teaching class—punching and lifting weights while holding a smart phone is a tad awkward), and every time it dinged with a new T+G comment, I did a little happy dance.
That either means this is loads of fun or I am way too easily amused. I’m going with: both.
See y’all tomorrow for Feature Friday FREE-FOR-ALL and the giveaway. *Squeal!*
I just got a jacket similar to the one in the grifted shot, target brand, at some President’s day thrift sales. “If you can’t tell you shouldn’t have to pay full price!” Indeed! Also, I’m glad I’m not the only one who has the giddy-comment-getting-syndrome. : ) Looking forward to more thrifted or grifteds in the future. B to the w, you are amazing for braving the thrifts with the girlies, very impressively done!
This game is just too fun. I’m a Goodwill fan myself and love that you’re putting entire outfits together. Also, your thrifted outfit is my favorite of the two.
Abbie, the only “love handles” I see in ANY of your pictures are the ones where I can see the twins carseats (handles…get it? har har har).That was lame. Seriously sister, your babies are only 5 months old and you look insanely good. Give yourself some credit and no more love handles comments. Sheesh.