Happy Friday, lovelies!
I’m off to Dallas today for The Declare Conference, where I’ll be presenting a breakout session called, “Making the Most of DIY Blogging.”
I’m nervous. But it has almost nothing to do with the presentation (which I feel pretty good about) and just about everything to do with the fact that I will be away from the twins for 36 hours—the longest separation so far—and they’ve been a little under the weather with an extra side of fussy this week. So, really, I’m more nervous for their daddy than anything. If you think of it, would you pray that they will behave and sleep and eat and do all the normal sweet, wonderful things they usually do this weekend? I would really appreciate it!
Of course, on the other hand, I’m excited. 36 kid-free hours to spend with other Christian women who share my love of writing and crafting and taking pictures and recording every last cute/hilarious/disgusting thing their kids do and then posting it for all the world to see? AWESOME.
It’s gonna be even better than this:
{Which I did last week, and it was pretty fantastic, so this conference is really gonna rock!}
And now I must finish packing, and you must…
Don’t forget to grab a party button so others can join in the fun (or just include a text link-back).
Oh, and don’t forget to follow along with all these other fun happenings:
and especially INSTAGRAM, where I will be posting lots of conference pics!
Sending “get well and stay happy” prayers for your babies.
Although I live in Hawai’i, I can relate to the “vacation” effect of shopping alone. Heck, using the bathroom alone is a mommy luxury!
(Your comment on comments is spot on, by the way. “Would you like to know how to make $ 1 5 0 American dollars in 5 easy minutes by completion this easy surveys?” Ha. Got those before.)
Thanks so much for hosting Abbie, Hope you have a great weekend
Cami @ TitiCrafty.com
Sunday Bewitch Me & Titi {Link Party}
Thursday Titi’s Spot for the Silly HOP
Thanks for the party! Happy weekend!
thanks for the party! have such a great weekend.!
Thank you for hosting this great party. Please stop by and join us on our Tuesday Brag About It Party.
~~Thanks, Sharon & Denise BeBetsy
Thanks so much for hosting!!
I lucked out…my hubby does and always did the food shopping!! LOL!!
Hi Abbie, have a great conference, hope you blog about your speech as well as the conference. Thanks for hosting.
Good morning Abbie! Enjoy yourself at the conference and don’t worry about the twins, they will be just fine. Thanks for hosting this party!
Thanks for hosting Sweet Friend! I will FOR SURE be thinking of you and your sweeties this weekend! I know you’ll totally rock the conference!!!
XO, Aimee
Thanks so much for hosting!