Turning 32 has been one of the more joyful and relaxing birthday experiences I’ve had in a while…mostly because I came into it with very few expectations.
I love birthdays and look forward to mine each year as it approaches. But this one seemed to sneak up on me out of all of the busyness of homeschooling and projects and soccer seasons starting. Oh yeah, and growing a tiny human in my belly.
And let’s face it–32 isn’t exactly momentous in the grand scheme of “important” birthday years.
But between my family and Shaun, I felt very loved and celebrated, despite the mundanity of the number.
And then, as a cherry on top of it all, I got the chance to go out for dinner with some of my best girls this past weekend (I’m a big fan of stretching birthdays out over at least a week; way more festive than blowing all your fun on one day :)).
{Here we all are outside one of my favorite local restaurants}
We spent the evening eating really good food and laughing really hard at silly things like when my friend Lindsay’s husband sent her this Hey Girl meme after she told him she wouldn’t be bringing him home any leftovers.
But we also talked about more important things like motherhood and the way it forces us to face a lot of our insecurities as it strips away any facades we try to present to the public. (We all agreed that our kids are not in the least bit fooled when we attempt to pretend to the rest of the world that we’re nice mama or have it all together all the time).
We talked about the ways Jesus is working in our lives and forcing us to dig deeper or fall even flatter on our faces than we do on an average Monday.
And I came away from that dinner just so very grateful to have a core group of girls who will encourage me when I need it and, more importantly, will speak truth–even the hard kind–and pray for me when I need it more.
Friends who totally nail it when they buy you coral eyelet dresses that you can wear with your 30-week bump and beyond.
And friends who notice when you get really excited about a pretty leather Fossil bag at Ross and then make sure your husband knows about it in time for your birthday.
And friends who give you a whole bag of pretty utensils and dishes that match your kitchen redo perfectly because they totally get your style and know that stirring with a fun, aqua spoon can make even the most run-of-the-meal dinner prep way cheerier.
In other words, friends who get why celebrating 32 is a worthwhile thing to do and go out of their way to do it well.
I don’t have a lot of breathing room in my life right now for lots of close friends. I don’t say that snobbishly. I’m always up for meeting new people, and I definitely wish there were more hours in the day to spend getting to know cool chicks.
But since that’s not a luxury I have right now, I am doubly grateful for these fellow women, wives, mothers, sinners, and sisters in Christ (some of whom weren’t there that night)–in a phrase that my beloved Anne so aptly coined: “kindred spirits”–who, in their own unique ways, convict and compel me to be more like Jesus, whether or not they know they’re doing it.
In fact, I would say that I have zero complaints whatsoever, except that–really—if they were 100% perfect, they wouldn’t have let me forget to grab my to-go box with the half-burrito that wouldn’t fit past my ribcage (I mean, you gotta help the lady with the preggo brain out!).
But I’ll admit, if missing out on leftovers is my #1 complaint (especially when–ahem–I suppose a grown woman should take responsibility for her own doggie bag) I’ve got it pretty darn good.
What about you guys? Any kindred spirits you’d like to give a shout out? She wasn’t there because she was helping watch my kids, but my sweet Mama is definitely a kindred spirit too, and I’m so glad I get to call her friend.
Linking up with Lindsey.
Love the dress…so cute! Your baby bump is adorable, I am so excited for you and your family.
Happy belated birthday to you Abbie! You are truly blessed with friends like that, even if they forget to remind you to take the other half of your burrito with you! 😉 I feel blessed with some kindred spirits as well, one of them is especially dear to me. Could I ask you to please pray for my sweet friend Eline? She has recently gone through a very difficult miscarriage at about 12 weeks during her third pregnancy. A few weeks before, I discovered that the Lord has blessed us with a third pregnancy as well, and I dread having to tell her of our joy in the midst of her grief…
Oh my goodness, yes, I will pray for Eline. How very sad for her. Congrats on your new little blessing!
Thank you!