…and there was great rejoicing.
Because the alternative would be awkward at best.
ANYhoo, the truth is that there has not been much in the way of cute clothes this summer. I’m usually headed to the gym with the kids in the afternoon, so it doesn’t make much sense to get out of my pajamas and all gussied up only to change again into gym clothes.
And–let’s be honest–sometimes, the gym clothes don’t even make it onto my body until 15 minutes before we have to walk out the door. Yet another reason why I’m glad we live in the boonies. And our UPS guy is totally unfazed by my answering the door in lounge pants. #blesshim
When we went on vacation to Colorado (someday, I’ll stop talking about this trip…pinky promise), I made an effort. It was fun to plan outfits again, and since I wasn’t teaching fitness classes, I forced myself to pack options that didn’t involve a) spandex and b) the (non) color black.
It was still vacation, though, so I kept things pretty simple/minimal. And, OF COURSE, I documented all most of it.
Ezra is my budding outfit photographer because he thinks it’s a privilege of the highest order to be asked, and Shaun…doesn’t.
Anyway, you know me: I love bargains, so most of these looks were thrifted or deeply clearanced, but I’ll tag what I can.
The only thing worth even attempting to buy is that peach skirt from SheInside (this one’s not identical, but it’s pretty close). The tissue top (over a tank top…I wear white tanks with e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.) is from GAP, and the sandals were an impulsive Ross purchase a couple of years ago that I have worn to death.
I should probably call this one my, “I Heart thredUP outfit” since the top, shorts, and shoes are all from there. (If you’ve never tried it and want a free $10 credit–I get one too–you can use this link).
This outfit comes to you courtesy of date night. I’d been on the hunt for some leopard print heels at a decent price that I love for…years. And I bought these calf-hair Jessica Simpson ones at Nordstrom Rack in Boulder for $35 after leaving them the first time and then spending odd moments during the next 24 hours planning outfits I could wear them with. So, I told myself if I went back, and they were still there, I could buy them. They were, so I did. Are they comfortable? Um…relatively. I sure thought so in the store, but as the night wore on, and we walked around cute downtown Boulder, my dogs started barking a little. I can definitely tell that I’m getting older because, 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have thought anything of not entirely comfortable but entirely cute shoes for date night. Now, I’m all: where’re my slippers at?
Want to know what to wear when you have greasy, vacation hair? A head-wrap. Mine is from the J. Crew Outlet for something like $5, but it’s super easy to just fold a scarf or a cute piece of fabric and tie it around your noggin too. Dirty hair? What dirty hair?
I promise I don’t have mold growing on my face, but for some reason, this particular pic didn’t come out clear. At all. My striped tank top is from the GAP forever ago, the skirt was a clothes-swap score, and the sandals are handmade from Greece. Aaaaaah, Greece.
And then, we have the, “I’m going to pretend like I tried by throwing on a pair of gold wedges and hoping they look okay with destructed boyfriend jeans.” Eh. Good enough. My jeans were from LOFT this past spring (on suuuuuuper-clearance), and my tank is from Target about a month ago. Also super clearance. I love it because it’s a bit sheer (see above comment about white tank tops under everything) and flowy without being tent-like.
And last but, apparently, NOT least, we have the outfit that made my husband give me an appreciative head-to-toe and say, “I really like that outfit.” I’m literally laughing while typing this. Of ALL of the outfits I wore on the trip, I think I look the silliest here. Or maybe it’s just my awkward I-don’t-golf-and-have-no-idea-how-to-hold-this-thing stance.
In any case, I scored both those shorts that my husband called, “Long enough to be modest but not so long that they look weird” AND the cute graphic tee (crazy soft! I like!) at the J. Crew Outlet for $16. And I scored my white chucks on sale at Academy where I happened to check out with a store manager, and she gave me the skeptical side-eye when they rang up full price, and I informed her of the sale. Turns out I was right. OOOOOOOoh yeah. Ahem.
And there you have it. I did wear more clothes, but you’ve either already seen them in other posts, or they were workout clothes. And nobody wants to see those.
So, tell me, does your husband get all excited when you wear boring stuff like shorts and t-shirts? I. just. don’t. get. it.
My husband loves when I wear skirts or dresses, but maybe because I walkways wear pants and a t shirt for work!
The tshirt with shorts was my favorite outfit also, although they are all adorable! That one is just a little more laid back and fun looking. I usually only read DIY home decor blogs but I keep coming back to your blog because you crack me up, you are so (genuinely) funny! Keep up the great posts!
I love these beautiful outfits and will get one next week!
My husband gets most excited when I’m not wearing makeup and when I have lounge pants on. I am not a lounge pants kinda gal, but he will urge me to wear them whenever he can.