I’m not great at curb appeal. Probably because we don’t live anywhere near a curb, and, apparently, my mindset is that, if no one else is going to see it…oh well!
Which…is not completely accurate because I don’t feel the same way about the inside of my house, so let’s just go with: I’m bad at the outside stuff.
BUT! It’s not that I don’t want to be better. I make efforts.
Like this last fall when I bought a bunch of pumpkins and mums and did the “autumn thing.”
Eh. It’s fine. It could certainly be worse. Maybe like the dried up wasteland that it currently is (expect no pictures of that).
But I have to say that, as much as I like our front door, the main reason we bought it was the same reason we bought practically everything else in our house when we were building from scratch with cash–we liked it well enough, and it was a great deal.
The dark stain works well with the green of the house, but I’m not gonna lie: this color-loving girl would really love a painted front door.
So much so that I spent a couple of minutes on Pinterest the other day pinning my dream entry doors.
(And, yes, I’m procrastinating on showing you my #3weeks50bags challenge update because I’m smack-dab in the middle of an epic bedroom + master closet clean out, and my update will be much more representative of where I am when I finish it…hopefully by tomorrow).
If my subconscious has anything to say about it, this entry is–far and away–my favorite.
Why? Because I’ve pinned this sucker no fewer than three separate times over the past 6 months…without ever realizing that I already had it on my boards. I just couldn’t help myself.
Of course, then there was this one:
Oh, and this one too:
Anyone else think we should maybe just go ahead and repaint our entire house a soothing greige and slap a spa blue door on it?
What can I say? I’m consistent.
Of course, the closest runners up looked like this…
and this…
{This pic reminds me of all the times I saw gorgeous painted doors on our 9th anniversary trip to Europe–often with a vintage bicycle or cute little Vespa scooter parked nearby…and suddenly, I’m craving a pain au chocolat}
Again. Consistent.
I love teal. I’ve only declared as much a couple or 3,000 times already. I painted my kitchen cabinets a deep teal, for crying out loud! No surprise I love a good moody deep blue-green door.
But I would also be perfectly happy with a sunny yellow entryway like this one:
Too bad those red geraniums wouldn’t stand a chance of survival at my house.
Oh! And speaking of red:
Faaaaancy, no?
Of course, I don’t NECESSARILY have to have a rainbow door.
I’m also partial to cool natural wood-toned doors. Like this beauty:
So boho and effortlessly chic, right?
Of course, if I were going for Hobbitesque quirk, I’d definitely have to choose this guy:
The arch! The random tiny window! The perfect soft shade of turquoise! The numbers marching across the very bottom! Yup, this door has c-h-a-r-m.
But enough front door dreaming. I have loads of laundry calling my name and a trio of squealing girls to quiet. Here’s hoping your Monday is getting off to a fabulous start and that you are perfectly content with your front door situation.
Out of curiosity, if you’re not: what WOULD your dream front door look like?
P.S. You can see the original sources for all of these doors plus the others I’ve pinned over on my Entryways Pinterest board.
We have a dark stained door right now, but we are in the midst of moving. Our new front door screams “paint me”! I pinned those first 3 doors. I am loving that minty blue!
I would have a soft gray house with a Kelly green front door and some multi-color zinnias in pots on both sides of the door. But alas, we live in a log home with a wood front door. Sounds amazing to most, but how do you decorate a living room with logs for walls!? And totally not my style, I loved our first home: cape cod. Sacrifices I make daily for my brood of boys 😉
A log home sounds like a sacrifice to me. Good on you, mama!
Red door = sanctuary. Works for me!
When we built our house last summer I got my dream doors, solid wood! Inspired by Joanna Gaines of course.
Oh, that turquoise Hobbit-esque door made me gasp! That’s my favorite!!
I thought you were gonna ask for a vote on what you should do… ANYWAY, our door is plumb purple (I don’t think it looks as tacky as it sounds). I desperately wanted a yellow door but my husband has some deep seeded hatred for all things yellow (we’re getting to the bottom of it in therapy… haha JK!) in spite of all the pretty pinterest pictures I showed him. I love our door color but I gotta say I still dream of a friendly yellow door!
I totally would have, but we have no plans to change ours. Boo hoo!
That yellow door reminds me of a road in Dublin. All the houses had bright colored doors with the doorknob smack dab in the middle.
I have a red front door and I absolutely love it!!!!