You guys! I’ve got a really fun learning resource to share with you that’s created by a fellow homeschool mama friend of mine and her sister (both homeschooled themselves) who has a degree in curriculum development.
This Spring Learning Bundle has different themes: cows, chickens, gardens, butterlies, etc. and is aimed at pre-K through 2nd grade.
Not only is each theme fun, but it’s well-designed and beautiful to boot!

(Note the “chicken book list”…there are book suggestions for each unit)

A little more info:
WHAT IS IN THE SPRING THEME BUNDLE:+ Over 150 pages of content to print off as much as you want! It is a digital product that is yours for
+ Spring Themed Units: Gardening, Chickens, Cows, Butterflies and Bees
+ Fun Educational Activity Sheets
+ Craft Tutorials+ Gardening Journal
+ Grow your own Herb Garden Project: with child friendly recipes they can make with the herbs they grow!
+ Hands on activities to encourage little ones to grow their own plants
+A special project Grow and Give project!
+ Coordinating Book Lists
+ And more!
IMPORTANT: The Spring Theme Bundle will be released February 22nd-26th for the special price of $25! After the 26th, the price will increase to $50 for the rest of the season.
So! If this strikes your fancy, or you know someone who might benefit from it, be sure to grab it before the price doubles!
You can order here
I’m off to print my bundle, so I can do some fun learning with my younger kids!
Hi Abbie! I’m trying to figure out why I can’t follow you on instagram now. I don’t know if it is an issue on my end or not, but I’m able to follow others just fine. And, I used to be able to look at your instagram feed that showed up here, and it’s not viewable now. I thought I’d ask before investigating further. I would make me sad not to be able to follow you. 🙁
I’ve had similar issues with her Instagram account but not others.
Are the little chick eggs from the same creators? Or where did you get your props from?
It appears to be fixed!
Thanks for letting me know! I think it’s fixed!
Yes, it works now! Yay! Thank you!