Two things first:
1) We rented Kung Fu Panda the other night, so, of course, I’ve had “Kung Fu Fighting” bouncing around in my head for two days.
2) You probably know, if you’ve seen any of my other Wardrobe Wednesdays posts, that I have a serious love affair going with Goodwill. Well, so does my best friend, Mandy (you can see some of her favorite finds in her post here), and as I was toodling around doing dishes to my kicky mental soundtrack this morning (where’s “It’s a Small World” when you need it?), I remembered something she said the other day…
…and I quote: “When I go to Goodwill, I always feel like I’m racing against everybody else in the store who’s my same size.”
And just like that, the real words to Kung Fu Fighting melted away and were replaced by these.
In its inaugural post in the blogosphere, I give you:
Goodwill Fighting
♫ Everybody was Goodwill fighting
You know you gotta be fast as lightning
Although the sweaters are a little bit frightening
The good deals make it worth Goodwill fighting ♫
Yeah…that’s all I’ve got.
And now, for our regularly scheduled program (just for you guys, I brought back the Cuteness herself, Miss Della).
I double-dog-dare you not to smile when you see that face!
Top/Dress: Factory Connection ($9), Jeans: Express/Marshall’s ($17), Shoes: Payless ($8)—oh, and they’re still for sale online in limited sizes here!
TOTAL: $34
Top/Dress: Goodwill ($3), Jeans: Gap outlet ($17), Shoes: Goodwill ($3), Belt: Gap ($3)
TOTAL: $26
Okay, so apparently, I have a thing for wearing dresses over pants…at least when said dresses would otherwise be a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen without said pants. I did it first here, and I doubt I’ll be stopping anytime soon! So there! See? You can have your cake and wear it too…or something…like that.
Striped orange undershirt: Walmart ($1), Top: Goodwill ($3), Shorts: Gap/Goodwill ($4), Shoes: Old Navy ($6)
TOTAL: $14 (Can you tell it was REEEEALLY bright out when we took these pics?)
This pic is out-of-order, but whatev. This was a rare “night out” for me and Mandy (yes, the same Mandy who prompted my above burst of song-writing) because we have 7 children, ages 7 and under, between us. Done gasping? Good. This blog was not designed to give anyone a heart attack.
We heard Sheila Walsh speak (she’s funny) at my church and then had dinner at Carino’s. Whaaat? (My husband and anyone else who has ever seen Psych is chuckling right now).
As soon as I sat down, Mandy lifted up the super-long hem of her jeans and revealed yet another reason why we’re such good friends. And no, we neither planned this nor knew beforehand that the other had gotten these shoes. Turns out, she had hers first, but I got mine on bigger clearance. ; )
Honestly, I didn’t love this outfit, but I had approximately 3.5 minutes to throw something together and run out the door before I was late to teach my Body Combat class. I didn’t even iron it. My super-sweet, amazingly patient husband did (I love you, baby, and not just because you helped me be wrinkle-free that night!). Notice the ornery tail of my belt, flailing and practically screaming, “I do NOT approve of this ensemble and am only here because my buckle won’t let me loose!”
But the important thing is that I was clothed (I hear that…okay, enough with the Psych references), and we had a good time!
Top: Beall’s ($5), Skirt: Gap outlet ($7), Belt: Goodwill ($1), Shoes: Payless ($8)
TOTAL: $21
Top: Gap ($6), Shorts: Gap/Goodwill ($3), Belt: Gap ($3) Shoes: Beall’s ($11)
TOTAL: $23
Hope everybody has a superb rest of your Wednesday! Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for Thoughtful Thursday (MORE pics of Della. Yeah, I know. That was shameless).
Oh, and if you feel like a little DIY inspiration, check out the tufted ottoman I posted about yesterday. I’m so proud of it, I’m thinking about naming it and introducing it as my 4th kid.
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Great mainly because this particular grew to become a tremendously great post. Finding the time and also exact energy to build superb article… however exactly what do My personal partner and also my partner and i say… My personal partner and also my partner and i in shape things aside an exceptional sum and also don’t be capable of receive just about anything at all completed.
The red outfit is my favorite! I found your blog through Design Dazzle and noticed you have an adorable little Della! We have a Della too (short for Delphine) although she has much, much less hair than yours. She is too cute! Where did you get that dress Della is wearing?
OK, thanks! You wear so many cute/pretty nail colors…maybe you could include those in your list of what you are wearing??
I finally found it, but it doesn’t have a name on the bottle that I can see. : | It’s from Rimmel’s 60 seconds line and is a shimmery deep red/orange. Hope that helps!
I’m so glad you found me, Aimee! Isn’t Goodwill the best? I always feel
badly for people who say they never find anything. I LOVE it!
I’m so glad I found your blog! I too am a Goodwill-obsessed girl and love all your looks! Yay for cute clothes and GOODWILL!! Happy shopping! 🙂 ps. found you through the Pleated Poppy.
Umm…I looked for it, but it’s AWOL at the moment. I’ll respond when I find it. : /
What color is your toenail polish? Thanks!
Thanks, Jamie! I love writing it! And yay for Goodwill hunting, indeed!
Love your blog! I saw the link to your tufted ottoman. I am a huge huge Goodwill lover! Yea for Goodwill hunting.
I KNOW! Even outside of the modesty issue, there’s the whole practicality issue. I mean, really? You want to sit down on a bench and have nothing between you and the germs? Really? You want everyone seeing everything ever time there’s a slight breeze? I don’t get it either.
I was going to say that it would be really nice if it did (rub off, that is), but then it occurred to me it would only be nice for you because I don’t live near any fashion icons. unless you count Britney Spears from one state over or maybe Carrie Underwood, and I’m not a big fan of pink wigs or really big blonde hair, or exposed underwear, or…no underwear. So yeah, maybe it wouldn’t be such a good thing.
Thanks! Yeah, I was surprised by the Payless shoes myself!
Very cute outfits! I love those payless shoes- who knew? And that blue and white gap belt is fab. Love your blog. Come visit me @ or on facebook-!/pages/The-Sugar-Mountain/247163438629155?sk=info
Sadly for me, just living near fashion icons doesn’t mean the ability rubs off. I’m okay with basics but I can’t accessorize.
I hear you on the short dresses over jeans… some friends and I went to Forever21 the other night and I seriously could not believe some of the dresses. I tried one on (thinking it was a shirt) and it seriously did not cover my rear section! Then I saw it was labeled as a dress…
Awesome post as always!
Ha ha! Thanks! Yeah, teal (and every variation of it) is pretty much my favorite color ever.
Why, thank you!
Stefanie, I am cracking up at the thought that you, the urbane blogger from Brooklyn, wants me, the chick from the E. Texas sticks, to consult on your closet. But, seriously, the answer is: yes. How’s next Thursday for you? : )
I LOVE the way you dress. Can I just borrow your clothes please? I am loving all the teal in these pics. And that is so cute that your bestie and you showed up wearing the same shoes. :0)
I love all of your outfits! you are so stylish!
Love your style! Want to come to Brooklyn to consult on my pathetic closet?
will, I always feel like I’m racing against everybody else in the store w
I’m watching Psych as I type right now. ; ) Oh, and as far as the prices for everything, I really do remember most of it (believe me, it’s taking up space in my brain that way more important stuff should be), but sometimes I might be off by a dollar or two, and in the case of the Goodwill stuff, they tend to price their things by category, so all their dresses are $6 for the most part, and all skirts are $4, etc.
Enjoyed the scope of your post.
Thanks, Melissa (I think it’s my favorite too!).
Ah ha ha! You’re cracking me up, Hannah. Looks like you did figure it out, though. Congratulations! I’m terrible at technological snafus and usually have to go get my husband to help me, sadly enough!
Oh, and I don’t know about specific days to go to Goodwill, but I do know that the best time to go is early, and it’s important to look at the separate racks (instead of the regular aisles) they have out before they get picked over.
Well, aren’t you sweet?! I’m glad I get to have some part in making her a cutie!
Thank you, Aubree! Too sweet!
Thank you! And she makes me smile! And oh my goodness, your little cutie is ridiculously precious too!
Thanks, Janae! I enjoy shopping for them as much as wearing them. I can’t resist a good bargain!
Thank you!
Thanks, Melissa! And how sad not to be able to wear red lipstick?! It’s the bomb! Maybe you just haven’t found the right shade? Though it sounds like you’ve been looking a while, and you wouldn’t definitely know better than I would! Here’s hoping you find your shade someday!
Thanks, Lindsay! I love me some Goodwill…obviously. And your flowered shorts were beyond cute! (Jealous of your Italian roots…does that mean you get to go visit?)
Thanks, Nicole! Followed you and entered your cute giveaway! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Don’t sing too loud. You might drown out the disco music and muzak, and that would be a real shame. : )
What gorgeous outfits!
And how in the world do you remember how much you pay for every single item? Are these purchases recent or you just have an amazing memory, even after having 3 kids? Inquiring minds need to know. 😉
I LOVE the Psych reference! It’s one of our all time favorite shows! Beautiful wardrobe, as always. I love wearing dresses with jeans too!
You look amazing! 🙂 I think my favorite outfit is #2! Love the color combo!
Aaaahhh!! Sorry.
Ok, I’m trying to figure out how to get my husband’s name off my profile. Sorry to be jacking up your comments section, but it’s really bugging me, so I’m trying to post again.
I’m so inspired now to shop at Goodwill!! I’ve always gone there looking for furniture to re-do but have never taken the time to shop for clothes….until now! I was there last Friday and it was reeeeeally crowded. Is that “the day” to go? I’ve always heard people say that each store has a certain day of the week you should shop for the good stuff, but I don’t remember who these people are, so I can’t ask them which day that is for the Tyler Goodwill! Do you know??
love them all, especially the first one!!
Not hard to see why Della is SO cute, just look at her mama!!
Wow! YOu are gorgeous! I love all of your outfits but especially the first two. Great jewelry!
You look amazing in every pic! And that baby of yours…I couldn’t stop smiling. 🙂
You and lil Miss are too adorable! LOVE all your outfits, LOVE that you are thrifty and you look so effortless and stylish doing it! My fave is the $3.00 goodwill dress!
That pink top/dress looks great on you!
Very cute outfits… I love the turquoise nail polish and your red lipstick… oh how I WISH I could wear red lipstick… I have been trying ever since No Doubt hit the scene wayy back when… yes, for that long.. it just doesn’t work on me. (Wah!) Your accessories are fab as well!
Following from WIWW.
Um, seriously love all the colors you’ve got going on here. First and second outfits are my faves. Way to go on the GW finds!
PS. Delia is one of my favorite names ever. It’s the name of the town in Sicily that my grandfather is from so it’s top of the line for first daughter name. 😉
I’m going to have to sing that song when I go to GW! LOL! Fun times! 🙂