Happy Labor Day, everybody!
I hope that most of you have a relaxing day ahead of you filled with family, friends, grilling, and goodies.
As for me, I seem to be taking the name of the day a bit too seriously. Here’s my list for this morning (ugh!):
I’ll update you later with how I did (I fully expect at least one thing to fall by the wayside).
In other news, I’ve been contemplating starting a link-up for Move-it Monday for some time now, and I think the time has finally come.
Next Monday, Sept. 12, will be the inaugural Fit and Fabulous linky party.
I’m starting Fit and Fabulous to encourage my readers, fellow bloggers (and myself) to pursue healthy lifestyles. One of the best ways I know to do that is to keep each other accountable. And since I can’t haul you out of bed at 6 AM for your morning jog (ha! I do not jog at 6 in the morning…at least not anymore), the next best thing is to meet you right here, every Monday, on my blog.
Now, I know that some of you are already groaning and squirming, thinking, “This crazy fitness chick is going to make me do five push-ups before I read her posts!”
Before you unFollow me and block all my posts from your reader, let me assure you that I have nothing of the sort in mind (although…: )).
What I propose is this:
Every Monday, anyone who wants to would link up a post of herself in her best/fave workout gear…the exercise outfits that makes you feel your fittest, slimmest, cutest, baddest, healthiest, hippest, anything-I’ve-missed-est evah.
Your photo could either be an action shot (i.e. you, doing a pushup…you, power-walking…you, standing on your head; have fun with it!) or just a posed photo, but the post it links to would tell us about your fitness efforts.
Oh, I see your raised hands. Questions?
Q: How is my, “I-walked-a-mile-today post ever going to compete with the super-fit girl’s marathon-training post?”
A: It doesn’t have to. This linky is not about competition. Not even a little bit. It’s about banding together in a community of likeminded women who want to support each other’s efforts, no matter what form those efforts take.
Q: Why does it matter what I wear?
A: Technically, it doesn’t. And if that part makes you not want to participate, then throw it out the window, and link up in your holey sweats. I don’t care. But, I know for me, personally, I do everything better—even exercising—when I feel attractive and confident. And remember, the point is to wear the outfit that makes you feel successful, not what you think will make other people think you’re cute.
This is the look I’m going for for Round 1 of F+F. Nothing says attractive and confident like Richard Simmons!
Q: Okay, well, I feel most successful when I exercise in the buff…can I still post?
A: Sorry, nudists. You’re out of luck. Oh, and on a related note, since it’s my linky, I’ll also have to be the 3 B’s Nazi (that’s bellies, bums, and boobs, girls). If any of these are showing, I’m afraid your linky won’t be.
Q: I don’t have a blog, but I would like to participate. Can I?
A: Yes! I will enable photo-commenting for Move-it Monday posts, and you will be able to tell/show us what you’ve been up to.
Any other questions? I’ll be happy to answer them if I can!
The best I can tell, although there are very few truly unique things in the blogosphere, this is the only linky party of its kind. So, tell your friends, tell your mom, tell your readers (writing that strongly reminds me of the “bed intruder” song for some reason. If you’ve never heard/seen it, click and enjoy your daily dose of laughing so hard you cry).
You never know who you might inspire to finally start in on that New Year’s resolution that’s been lurking in the back of her mind, guilting her for the past 9 months.
Now, go grill something! I’ve got a list to conquer!
Well, great! I’m looking forward to it! : )
I can’t wait to see your cute pregnant belly, Biz!
Yay, Vanessa! So glad to be your “someone to talk to about this!” Looking forward to your post!
Stomachs are so scandalous they need to be censored? That’s…special.
I am in. I love this idea. I had a mommy’s group and I started a walking day twice a week, but everyone just dropped out. It was sad but, I still workout by myself. At times I wish I had someone to talk to about this, so this would be nice to do once a week. Thanks so much for doing this.
Yeah! I can’t wait to post a picture of this prego belly in my workout gear! I hope I can encourage someone to get out and walk the dogs or do a little birthing ball exercise! If I can at 9 months so can you! hehehe 😉
Have a Blessed Monday!
I like it! We’ll be here! YeLLoWMeDaiSY