Yippeee! Democracy has been revalidated!
123 voted. And 71 of those (57%…that’s a majority) said that Exhibit B was 100% thrifted.
It was B.
Let’s take a moment for a golf-clap of approval all around, shall we? (a slam-dance seemed a bit much considering the context).
My favorite comments—
Mrs. Ruffled Flats said: “I vote for exhibit B. It seems that the outfits I love a little more seem to be thrifted, so I just voted for the one I like more! Ha!”
This is actually brilliant reasoning. The funny thing is that I think for the first two weeks, most of you were using the opposite reasoning: “One is slightly less appealing/ill-fitting. Therefore it must be the thrifted one.” But really, one of the hardest things for me when I do Thrifted or Grifted is finding retail clothes left in my closet that I like/fit me well. I really do buy almost 100% thrifted these days, and my leftover retail is either a little big (I weigh about 10 pounds less than I did when I last shopped retail regularly) or a little more worn. Uh oh. Now, I’ve given my secrets away, and I’ll have to go replenish my retail supply. Darn.
Sarah said: “I voted for A. Simply because I went to H&M yesterday and tried on a shirt that looked almost exactly like the one in Exhibit B. So either they have the latest style at your local thrift store (although I guess stripes keep coming back every now and then as does that yellow-orange-y colour) or I’m right.”
Well, I’m afraid you weren’t right, Sarah, but I couldn’t resist taking the opportunity to point out that my Goodwill apparently carries the latest styles.
But my favorite commenter this week (and the one who gets 5 free entries into The September Giveaway) was…
Jenny, who said: “I’m going with B because I’m hoping you didn’t pay full price for the shirt in that one. The color well it reminds me of some diapers I’ve changed and we will just leave it at that! :)”
My first reaction: “Hey! I like that color!” But then I looked at it more closely and started to giggle. Thanks, Jenny, for forever altering how I will view one of my favorite shirts.
**Side note: several of you mentioned my paying “full-price” for the retail items. Um…yeah. Not so much. I pretty much never pay full-price for anything, so even when I’m listing the retail prices, they’re almost always heavily discounted clearance prices (My special early birthday present shoes? Those were $9). What can I say? I’m thrifty even when I’m not thrifting.
So, here’s the breakdown:
Exhibit A:
Top: Gap ($8), Skirt: Gap Outlet ($7), Belt: Gap ($3), Necklace: BodyShop: random, teeny-bopper store in the mall ($5), Shoes: JcPenney/Call it Spring ($9 on super-duper clearance; they might still have some if you want to check them out in your area; definitely size up; these are 10’s, and I’m usually a 9).
TOTAL: $32
Top: Goodwill ($3), Skirt: Target/Goodwill, NWT ($4), Belt: GW ($1), Necklace: GW ($2), Shoes: $9
TOTAL: $19
Stay tuned for 5 Things Thursday (coming right up)!
For my blogging readers—if you’ve ever had trouble with your GFC Followers box not showing up or not working, you’re gonna want to see this.
For the rest of you—you’ll get to see pictures of my husband, and he’s cute (oooh…using my cute husband as bait to get you back here…shameless).
See you soon!
Well, thank you, Jenny! I would be honored to roam through Goodwill with you too! ; )
Woo Hoo!!! 🙂 I totally saw Elizabeth Hasselbeck wearing the shirt in exhibit B on her show today. By the way I think you rock and I would totally love to roam through a Goodwill with you. 🙂