Good morning, everybody!
First off, let me throw out another reminder about our big Shop My Closet Sale/PCM Fundraiser and Bath and Bodyworks Gift Card Giveaway!
I’ve already gotten bids on almost every item in the sale, although a few are still up for grabs, but I’m holding off on contacting anyone about winning until I’m sure everyone’s had the chance to at least get her name in the hat.
If you’ve sent me an email, and I haven’t responded specifically yet, it’s not because you didn’t win.
In fact, it’s almost entirely due to the fact that a stomach bug showed up to the spectacular head cold party I was already hosting in this pregnant body of mine, and we just had a grand ol’ time yesterday.
(I’m feeling much better today).
You will be getting emails from me very soon, though, telling you which of your items you’ve won and which ones have competition and giving you your one chance to up your bid, if I haven’t already.
Okay, so on to today’s order of business!
With LB4 on the way, I’ve already started thinking about Della’s “big girl” room.
“Big girl” is in the biggest quotations ever because Della is soooooo tiny that practically every Sunday, the nursery workers confirm how old she is, whether she’s walking yet, and whether we’re sure she’s supposed to be in the toddler room.
And then I go stand at the toddler room door and stare at all the giants—read: normal-sized kids—tromping around in there, and think, “Hmmm…maybe we should stick her back in the nursery with the 9-month-olds…give her a fighting chance and all.”
Still, despite her small stature, she’s a spunky little thing, and there’s little cuter than watching her roll and flop around on one of her brothers’ twin beds (of which she takes up about 1/15).
I think she can pull it off.
Just as a refresher, here’s what her room looks like now (or, at least did look like before we started our garage renovation and basically turned it into a hallway…yes, my daughter sleeps in a hallway…I’m a terrible mother).
I still love it, almost two years later, but I want something a little more versatile and sophisticated for her new room—something that can grow with her over time.
Because I love so many of the accents and personal touches in her baby room, I wanted to stay with a similar color scheme so that I could carry them over to the walls of her new room (that, and as you guys probably remember, red and turquoise/aqua/teal is one of my favorite color combos ever).
So, I jumped on Olioboard—a fantastic free resource for home design inspiration boards—and threw together my first ever design board.
I limited myself to 5 things, since today is 5 Things Thursday and all, and if you don’t limit yourself, the options can be a bit vast and overwhelming.
And here they are:
You can click the pic to be taken to my original board, which has sources/prices for most of the items (minus the curtains, which I couldn’t find a source for), but here’s the breakdown, as far as I’m concerned.
I know I want:
1. A white ruffly bedspread.
The one on the board is from Urban Outfitters—their Waterfall Ruffle Duvet Cover. But for approximately $70, I’d only be getting the duvet cover, not even the duvet itself. And since I’m, you know, cheap, that’s kind of unacceptable. (I have plans on what to do about this. Hopefully, I can reveal them soon).
2. A cute curvy desk in a fun color.
I’m not stuck on yellow as shown in the pic, but I certainly don’t mind it, and it pairs well with the rug.
3. A colorful accent rug.
I’ve actually already ordered the one on the board, which is from Urban Outfitters as well—their Big Garden Printed Rug. It was only $34 for a 3’X5’, and the plushness level doesn’t matter a bit since it will be layered over carpet, so I was pretty thrilled with that score (and I had zero ideas on how to knock that one off).
4. A wooden headboard with graceful lines.
I’ve actually already found the perfect one from—where else?—Goodwill.
I saw it one day just as the kids and I were getting in the (long) line to check out, and I was just too tired to find somebody who would help me carry it out to my car (finding the right employee for such things can take 15 minutes sometimes).
I thought, “We’ll be back this way tomorrow. Surely no one will nab it by tomorrow.”
I bet you know what happened.
I went back, and it was gone.
Sad day.
I asked around, but the employees knew nothing and informed me, “If it’s not on the floor, then it’s gone.”
But then, I went back a few days ago looking for something else entirely, and…lo and behold…there it was leaning against the dingy back wall, basking in a ray of sunshine while the angels sang a chorus of Hallelujahs and dust mote fairies danced in the glow.
Okay, so maybe the fairies are a bit much, but the rest of it happened. Pinky Promise.
HAPPY day!
The best part?
My all-wood, adorably curvy and perfect twin headboard for my tiny girl’s big girl room was $16.
That specimen you see there on my Olioboard?
Eighteen HUNDRED dollars, people.
Aaaaaand, I’m back from a brief fainting spell.
5. White and red horizontal striped curtains.
Yes, I know the ones on the board are more of a tasteful, subdued, and vintagey cream and pink, but that’s not really the vibe I’m shooting for with this room.
After some searching though, I can’t find a single pic of red and white striped curtains where the stripes are THICK, bold, and horizontal. (I think I see a fabric painting project in my future).
So…what do you think?
Am I off to a good start?
I’m loving it so far, which is, I guess, what counts since whenever I ask Adelaide if she likes something house-related, she pretty much always responds with a vigorous head nod and an enthusiastic, “Yeah!”
I do have one question, though:
I know for sure I want to paint her headboard a fun color, but with white and red striped curtains, a white/red chandy (I think the one in the pics from her baby room will be migrating with her), and a loud rug already in place, I don’t want to do anything too crazy.
So…what color should I paint her headboard?
General and specific suggestions (as in actual paint colors) welcome!
See you soon for Feature Friday FREE-FOR-ALL!
If all goes well (dangerous, dangerous words), I’ll have it live at 7 PM tonight.
P.S. I get the privilege of guest-posting today for the lovely, talented, and extremely nice Beth of Home Stories A to Z.
If you thought my washer transformation was batty, you may think I’ve really lost it now because I’m sharing how I actually spent an hour of my life sprucing up a household item I bet every single one of us has a rather resentful relationship with.
The CSI project ~ Menu Plan Monday ~ C.R.A.F.T. ~ The Southern Institute ~ Making the World Cuter ~ Thrify Décor Chick ~ Metamorphosis Monday ~ Sumo Sweet Stuff ~ Gunny Sack ~ Singing Three Little Birds ~DIY Homes Sweet Home ~ Dittle Dattle ~ 1929 Charmer ~ Everything Under the Moon ~ ModMix Monday ~ Sew Stylish ~ Coastal Charm ~ Under the Table and Dreaming
Tuesday ~ Get Your Craft ~ Tip Junkie ~ Blackberry Vine ~ Crafty Confessions ~ Me & my Boys ~ A Bowl Full of Lemons ~ Home Stories A-Z ~ My Uncommon Slice of Suberbia ~ Carolyn’s Homework ~ Sugar Bee Crafts ~ House of Grace ~ Passionately Artisitc ~ My World Made by Hand ~ Uncommon Designs ~ Trendy Treehouse
Wednesday ~ Blue Cricket Design ~ Somedays Crafts ~ Sew Much Ado ~ Sew Woodsy ~ Handy Man, Crafty Woman ~ Savvy Southern Style ~ {Primp} ~ Midweek Fiesta ~ Rae Gun Ramblings ~ Polkadots On Parade ~ Lollipop Cards ~ JAQS Studio ~ Let Birdz Fly ~ Let Birdz Fly ~ My Girlish Whims
Thursday ~ Thursdays are Your Days, Transformation Thursdays ~ Somewhat simple ~ Show off your stuff ~ House of Hepworths ~ Delightful Order ~ My Simple Home Life ~ The Frugal Girls ~ Thrifty Thursday ~ DIY Diva Thursday ~ Tablescape Thursday ~ No Minimalists Here ~ Crafty, Scrappy, Happy ~ Thrifty Decorating ~ Between U and Me ~ 36th Avenue
Friday ~ The Shabby nest ~ Show and Tell Friday ~ Finding Fabulous ~ I’m Loving it ~ Simply Sweet Home ~ Whipper Berry ~ Chic on a Shoestring decorating ~ Spunky Junky ~ Delicate Construction ~ Homemaker in Heels ~ Family Ever After~ French Country Cottage ~ Common Ground ~ Young And Crafty ~ At the Picket Fence ~ Fingerprints on the Fridge ~ Miss Mustard Seed ~ Addicted to Decorating ~Bacon Time with The Hungry Hypo ~ Making Lemonade ~ I Can’t Stop Crafting ~ Over the Big Moon ~ Shabby Art ~ Answer is Chocolate
Saturday ~ I heart nap time- Sundae Scoop ~ Tatertots and Jello ~ Be different Act Normal ~ Funky Junk ~ 2805 ~ Making Lemonade Blog ~I am Along for the Ride ~ Lolly Jane
Where did you find the color for the paint n walls?? I’ve been looking for that color. Thanks
I love her room as it is too! Turquoise and red are one of my favorite color combos ever. When my baby was still a baby (she’s 10 now) I went crazy with patchwork and red and turquoise..more for me than for her. Looks like her “big girl” room is going to be just as fabulous..
love the before as well as the new plan. You have such great taste! Thanks for sharing.
love the punches of red with that calming wall color. gorgeous!
Her baby room is so cute. I love the red piping on the chair. My daughter will be a year next month and I’m already planning her big girl room. Sheesh! 😉 I have done a few mood boards myself including one for my living room this week I named “Tangerine & Cobalt”. Stop by and check it out when you have a chance. Cheers, MGal
I really like the curtains from your inspiration board too. I thought I had them pinned on Pinterest, and I do. I traced the source back to a flicker account and the owner said the curtains are”Individually sewn stripes out of Amy Butler’s Solid Home Decor fabric in Natural and Coral”…so very DIY 🙂
Can’t wait to try out Olioboard!
I really love it. This red is so warm!
I second Luna’s idea (I swear I was going to suggest the same thing!! Teal detail and all!!) ^_^ But you’re so oober-stylish that I’m sure ANYthing you do will look amazing.
I love the colors!
Well, I was going to say blue, but that may be a bit too patriotic….although it is a color from the rug. Yellow? Or maybe a green. Oh! LOVE!!!! the broom & dustpan duo. *sigh
How about the same turquoise/aqua colour that is in the rug that is coming? (but I guess that will depend on what colour the wall is that it will be backed onto…).
BTW, for the record, I love the yellow of the desk, and if you find one at GW and paint it yourself, you get the best of vintage styling with a modern colour scheme. Just thoughts…
Hope you are feeling all better soon!
Black… or teal… or white… eeeegads.
Or you could throw it out in the yard and make her sleep on a floor mattress and start a new trend… hmmm?
Abbie, I had pinned a red & white chevron fabric from however they have lots of red & white striped. You may want to start here Your eye for design is amazebragade!
Is the wall color staying the same?? Maybe I missed that part 🙂 If so, I’d go with a distressed white. But if you are doing a more neutral wall, I’d go with the turquoise from the rug. But, I also just remembered this great furniture re-do blog and thought of silver? Maybe? Here’s a pic:
I think it would be pretty with the white ruffle duvet 🙂 Check out her portfolio while you are there for some great inspiration!
I also heart the aqua/red color combo. Wanted to do it for my baby girl’s nursery….which never got done…..and she is 12 mos old….haha! Maybe for her “big girl” room….yeah!
i would say the most basic color for longevity – BUT since you dont mind refurbing i would choose your most favorite color and paint all the pieces to match (bed, desk, etc)
You should paint the headboard with white chalk paint and then accentuate some of the details with teal, that would look nice, and it would compliment the rug.
I think you should keep the headboard white…but I LOVE the mustard color for the table. I also love the rug. and the duvet cover. and the curtains. Can’t wait to see the finished room!
a couple of shades darker than the room. so if you use the same aqua, a tad bolder than that…
I ADORE that bedspread and rug ! I think it’s a great start !
Holy cow! I’ve seen her room on the internet before, but I never knew that was yours! It is so perfect! It’ll be hard to say good bye to that one!
xo Becca
I did my girlies ‘big girl’ bedroom a couple of years ago…loved it, think it was my favourite room to decorate. I found a wonderful local lady who updated antique furniture and the rest of the room came from the inspiration of those pieces (if you are ever in OK again, she is based near us in Tulsa ;o)
You can have a peek at my lil lady’s room here:
I think I would pull the pink right out of that rug for the headboard. Such cute ideas!
sad day. That room shouldn’t change…it’s too cute! Couldn’t you just fold her up really, really small and let her use it longer? I wonder about a washed pink for that headboard?
In the picture you have with the three small mirrors behind the white chair, I would paint the headboard the turquoise color of the middle mirror. It goes with your red and turqoise/aqua/teal theme and also the rug. I love that room! And on a completely unrelated note, I love your kitchen too! Now if I could just learn to do the thrifting. (I’m gonna try!)
I love the turquoise in the rug.
love love the room as is, love the new plan! you have such great style! i want to get inside your head and be as cool as you. does that sound weird? well i do.