Well, howdy, and TGIF, y’all!
Not sure why I’m feeling Texan all of a sudden, but I’m eating watermelon while typing this, so that might have something to do with it.
And since “tangent” is my middle name (or it darn well should have been), how about we take one real quick, m’kay?
If you’ve been reading for a while, then you know we live in the boonies, which I love but is a little inconvenient when you’re out of milk and the closest grocery story is 15 minutes away.
Still, who needs grocery stores when you have neighbors like Adam, who lives a field over from us (yes, I did just say “field”) and grows stuff in that field of his.
His latest addition?
Have I told you guys yet how much I love watermelon?
I think it should be its own food group.
And do you know what the kind and generous Adam said?
He said that whenever his watermelons ripen up, I can just wander (or waddle, as the case may be, since he has the late-blooming variety, and I’m sure to be a bit on the ridiculously pregnant side by that point) on down to his field and pick a watermelon whenever the urge strikes.
I don’t know if this man knows exactly what he’s getting himself into.
I thought about taking a picture of me grinning maniacally while tiptoeing down to his watermelon field at midnight and then sending it to him as fair warning (and then maybe even showing it to you guys), but it turns out that’s a hard picture to stage (and have it make any sense at all), and after seeing it, he probably would have rescinded his offer and then put up an electric fence just for me.
So, I restrained myself.
I did find this fun visual representation of my obsession on Pinterest, though, and I think it pretty much sums things up:
Source: love-luck-kisses-cake.blogspot.com via Abbie on Pinterest
Oooooookay, so that was a little more of a novella than a tangent, but I’m done with watermelon (for now), I promise.
{Except to say that if any of you suddenly feel the urge to send me watermelon-related products to satiate my cravings, please don’t. Because the thing is, I only like w.a.t.e.r.m.e.l.o.n. Watermelon-FLAVORED things are just grody. And shipping a real, whole watermelon could get messy. And expensive. And I really wouldn’t want you to have to go through all that trouble. HOWEVER, if, for some odd reason, you find yourself experiencing the desire to send me things made of chocolate, caramel, and pecans, my address is… : ) …ahem}.
And NOW I’m done talking about watermelon. (Pinky promise…so you know it’s for real).
The only other thing I wanted to say before we get today’s lovely features and the party is that I know since my feed was messed up or a few days, quite a few of you missed my bathroom reveal on Tuesday, and since I do not write a blog (entirely) so I can enjoy my projects solo, I put together a little collage of my favorite bits from the reveal. If they strike your fancy, you’re welcome, of course, to go back and see the whole thing.
How ‘bout that?
And now for the features!
You know how they say it’s a bad idea to go grocery shopping when you’re hungry?
Turns out it’s an even worse idea to pick blog features when you’re hungry.
Because then, you end up desperately wanting to make things like A Pretty Life in the Suburbs’ delish-looking Hearty-Choke Dip (cute name!) and can’t because you don’t have all the ingredients in your pantry (and you live in the boonies…boo!).
Or how about this incredibly yummy-looking Fresh Orange and Vanilla Cake from Feeding My Temple?
I have a party coming up that this will be just perfect for!
Apparently, my sweet tooth is on a bit of a rampage because these Cheesecake Nutella Twists from BruCrew Life have me feeling pretty darn happy that I get to break my sweets fast again this weekend (okay, so I actually cheated at Sonic last night, but whatev…I know what’s for breeeeeakfast this Sunday!)
I’m also a big fan of this simple bottle-tinting technique from It’s Overflowing. I think the effect is just beautiful!
And in the, “Why didn’t I ever think of that? It’s brilliant!” category, we have this awesome DIY Rug Slipcover from Free Time Frolics. Head on over for the tute!
You know I love me a good, funky furniture makeover, and this awesome distressed dresser from Mak and Jill certainly fits the bill! (Hey! That rhymes!)
If you recall, I have a serious love affair with the color coral (hello? I want to paint it on my house shutters!) as exemplified by Collette, the Goodwill dresser. And what do I love better than coral by itself? Coral combined with any form of blue-green—especially aqua. So, I am IN love with what my girl, Cassie, of Primitive and Proper did by adding a pop of coral via some awesome chairs to her already adorable dining room!
OH, how these too-cute crocheted gladiator sandals from Crochet Dreamz make me wish I knew how! Della would have 5 pair!
Finally, even though I know it looks like playing favorites because it’s her third week in a row to be featured, I just can’t help myself. Becca at From Gardners Two Bergers just does the best stuff. I mean, seriously, people, how could I not feature her when she took the time to stencil 6 (SIX!) curtain panels with a lovely damask print for her dining room.
And the results? Gorgeous!
Feel free to grab a button from the sidebar if you’ve been featured!
And now it’s your turn again!
Same “rules” as always:
If you’ve blogged about it, I want to see it!
1. Link to your specific post URL instead of your blog URL (no limit on the number of linkies, so add as many as you like!)
2. Grab a party button so that others can join in the fun! (Text link-backs are great too! : ))
3. Consider visiting/commenting on at least 2 of the other links. You never know what kind of inspiration you might miss out on if you don’t. Plus we all love to read words of encouragement! (I know I do!)
4. PLEASE, no shops or giveaways!
5. If we aren’t already friends, would you do me the honor of getting regular post updates here?:
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Ready? Set? LINK!
I am your newest follower. Thanks for hosting the party!
Thank you so much for hosting! Love your bathroom redo. 🙂
Thanks so much for the SUPER FUN feature Abbie! I like your thrifted outfit lots!!! XO, Aimee
What a great narrative to go with all the great features. Loved it. A watermelon field next field – so very tempting. Thanks for hosting.
This made me laugh so hard—the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy with my older son, I craved watermelon. I ate it three times a day. Funny thing is my son today (as an 11 year old) hates watermelon!
Thanks for hosting Abbie! I too love watermelon – just don’t worry – if you are like my daughter your cravings will change – like every week! She has been through – mashed potatoes, salad, mac and cheese! I really can’t remember them all – so, hang in there – things will change! Have a great weekend!
Hugs –
Abbie, just wondering how Della’s tummy is doing now. Hope the worst has passed.
Abbie! First, thank you for hosting another awesome Free for All!
Secondly, We LOVE your bathroom reveal! Gwynnie and I have been lusting after those towels, and they look PERFECT with your wall color!
mk & Gwynnie
Thank you much for hosting!!
Thanks for hosting a fun party!
Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!
Duuude Abbie! Well…I’d say there a reason we follow each others blogs! 🙂 Thanks for the feature of my seriously laborious curtain project! I’m off to catch that missed bathroom reveal! Thanks so much!
xo Becca
Thanks for having me…looks like a fun Friday!
Jessica @ Mom 4 Real
I’ve been following you for a few weeks now & am absolutely love your blog. Girl, you make me laugh. I’m definitely sticking around. This is my first time joining the party. Lots of PINspiration. YAY!!
Sapphire @ Life with My Pollitos
Now that is spoken like a true watermelon-lover! The image of a pregnant lady sneaking into the watermelon patch is image enough; no need for anything more 🙂 Thanks for hosting – great features!
I am loving that dining room with the coral chairs…if we didn’t just buy a new set I could have painted the old ones. What was I thinking??? Call me crazy but I don’t like watermelon at all…ducking so I don’t get hit in the head with a rind…but even as a kid I couldn’t stand it. But I will eat cantaloupe like no other. Thank you so much for sharing my Nutella twists. You rock girl!!! Thanks for hosting the fun!!!
love the features and love your blog! The thrifted or Grifted is one of my favorite weekly posts here!
I’m linking my facelift operation today!
Love those features – that dresser is AMAZING! Thanks for the party!
Thanks for hosting! Little Bit
Hi Abbie! Thank you SO much for featuring my dip! It really is so delish! And thanks too for hosting! Have a great weekend!
Thank you for the feature. I linked up again! That watermelon is lovely.
Abbie – Thanks for hosting! Loving watermelon season too. Really don’t get it when people don’t like watermelon – what? Crazy people.
thank you so much for the feature, friend! emmy loves watermelon, too. 🙂
Thanks for hosting!
Lovely features! Lovin’ that kitchen with the coral chairs! thank you for hosting!