I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but I have to admit that, while ultimately the innards are what sell me on my reading material, I’m never too upset when the outside at least hints at the joys that await me once I crack the cover.

Call me shallow all you want.

But I’ll still love…

1. Pretty Bibles.



{Click the image to be taken to the site…no affiliate link or anything…I just like to encourage people to buy Bibles, pretty or not : )}

I really like these tooled leather options in fuchsia and lemon.

A plus is that I think there’s a much stronger chance of being able to engage someone in a conversation about what I’m reading if a cover like this catches their eyes than if I’m toting around a big black book that screams, “I’m religious!” (Because I’m not. If this confuses you…feel free to ask me questions).

2. Classed up Classics


Penguin Classics makes these fantastically colorful and funky clothbound covers for titles like The Odyssey, Emma, Oliver Twist, and many more. I want, every. single. one.

In fact, I loved the look of dressed up classics so much that I ordered a set of leather bound lookers from Barnes and Noble a while back, and I love how they jazz up the transitional shelf between our living room and kitchen.


3. Lovely Cookbooks

From vintage…



to DIY paper-covered…



to Penguin {again! who knew they published cookbooks??}…

Source: cb-smith.com via Abbie on Pinterest


4. Eye-catching journals.

Here’s my current version:


It was $4 from Ross, and it doesn’t hurt my feelings a bit that it coordinates so well the super-cute Fossil wristlet that Mandy gave me.

Some others I love are these graphic options:

Source: google.com via Abbie on Pinterest


And these jewel-toned ones as well!:


5. Catalogs that double as art.

Of course, the chief of these is Anthro’s, and it’s so prettily staged that I end up wanting even the most outlandish pieces for my closet (until I look at the prices, of course).


I brought the latest issue with me to the Mickey D’s playground yesterday afternoon,, but I never even had the chance to make it past the cover.

I sure do love all the color on the model’s wrists, though.

I see a knock-off in my future!

So, what about you?

Are you a shallow book-cover judger (or, at least, appreciator) like me?

Or could you not care less?

(Odd, awkward side note: one of my geeky pet pets is when people use the phrase: “I could care less” to indicate that they don’t care at all. Because, surely they know they’re actually saying the opposite of what they mean…right?).

Have a thrilling Thursday for me, k?

P.S. Feature Friday FREE-FOR-ALL live, right here, @ 7AM tomorrow.



  1. Did you know that “I could care less” is totally an American thing? I’m from the UK and as far as I know everyone here says “I couldn’t care less”. I’m pleased that some people understand the meaning, haha! x

  2. Girl, you are speaking my language. I have the mini-ESV in green and I want some of the cloth covered classics so badly!!!

  3. The mag cover: on her left wrist, two of the bracelets look like pipe cleaners, so…..cheap! BUT may be a bit scratchy.

  4. A favorite quote of my book loving daughter is, “Don’t judge a book by it’s movie.” We hate it when the movie dishonors the book. Does that make us book snobs? We could NOT care less!

    Love your colorful books today…makes me want a shelf of them.

    The multiple bracelets are really pretty. It would just drive me crazy to LISTEN to them. A line from one of my favorite childhood songs, “I got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle…” entered my head when I saw the bracelets, and it’s going to be stuck in my head all day!

    I love to read your blog every day. You rock.

  5. Hubby bought me a hot pink Bible years ago (a small one – so it fits in my handbag) that has a white strap and snap closure) because I wanted it so much (that and because my old one was falling appart) – and I just love the ones you have on this post! Mine’s easy to find, being so brightly coloured, and it does have a cheery kind of disposition. I like a cover that says “Inside you will find all sorts of delights”. But it needs to come up with the goods too! 🙂

I love hearing from you guys!