Today’s 5 Things Thursday goes a little something like this:


My husband comes home today (Waaaaaahoooooo!).


The VERY first thing I did this morning when I got out of bed was to select my “picking him up at the airport” dress (okay, I probably peed first; but you could have done without that info, couldn’t you?).


I kind of feel like I’m going to my senior prom (which I never did, never having been a senior…although I have chaperoned no fewer than 4 of them, including one when I was a dewy 18-years-old—which is practically the same thing right? {not even close}).


My mom’s taking all my kids tonight, so we can have a fun reunion date. That woman is no ends of kindness to me!


I think I will be getting my toes done in anticipation/celebration (and also because I chipped all the polish off the ends practicing for/doing BODYCOMBAT launch this week, and it’s getting a bit hard to reach my own toes; by the way, launch is DONE, and I won’t be doing another one before the twins come, and my body is soooooooo thankful).


: )

{That last one was a bonus in case you were having any trouble deciphering how I felt about the previous 5}.


Okay, now onto Thrifted or Grifted results.

60% of you thought OPTION B was Thrifted.

But the majority was not right in this case.

It was A.


{Okay, I did not plan these shots, but I just love that the “results” shot is of the thrifted version of me hamming like a goof, while the grifted version watches by in forlorn resignation ; )}

Top: H&M/Goodwill ($5)
Jeans: ?/Goodwill ($4)
Shoes: Fioni/Goodwill ($2.50)
Accessories: Goodwill (approx. $9)

TOTAL: $20.50

Top: Beall’s ($15)
Jeans: Pea in a Pod ($50)
Shoes: Target ($8)
Accessories: ? (approx. $15)

TOTAL: $88

My favorite commenter from yesterday had to be Megan, hands down, due to her enthusiasm, her sweet encouragements, her exhortation to others to leave comments (preach it, sista!), and the fact that she wrote a three-paragraph novel (GIRL, I think we would get along great!).

She said:

No comments??? No comments??? Don’t people know you get extra entries in a give away??? Sheesh! 🙂 I’m the first one, which feels like a winner already 🙂

So, I say outfit A is thrifted…which was my vote…which means I KNOW I’m wrong and everyone else should vote outfit B as thrifted…see, the reason I enter is to help everyone else out cause, if they don’t already know, I”m almost always wrong…which is why I never win…which is why being the the first commenter makes me feel like such a winner 🙂

And, I’m thinking you have already delivered one of those sweet baby girls cause there is just NO WAY you have 2 babies in that tiny belly….no way… 🙂 Stop talking about puffy legs girl…you look beautiful (and I am a BIG fan of bangs…love ’em!!!)”

Seriously. I like this girl.

(And she was RIGHT!)

Alas, Megan, your fantastic comment contribution did not win you the lovely mint and gold feather earrings from last week’s giveaway, though I was pulling for you! : )

That honor goes to #245 (chosen by, Marty Musser!

Check your inbox, Marty, you’ve got an email waiting from me! : )

Thanks so much, everybody, for playing along! I can’t tell you how big a kick I get out of reading through all your comments. I always read every single one (not just Thrifted or Grifted), and they are always bright moments of joy and laughter in my day.


  1. Awww! Well, now I feel like a double winner 😀 I about fell off this very comfy couch when I saw MY name and MY post…and for once, I did literally LOL !!!!!!! Oh my…so…so…well, I don’t know what it’s like cause I never win anything 🙂 As you know, it really is a thrill “just to be nominated” 🙂

    Thanks for rooting for me, but more so, thank YOU for all you put into this blog, all you share with us, all the encouragement in our faith…your Love Story was inspiring 🙂 And girl, we would be “like this” (insert criss crossed fingers) if we were neighbors 🙂 Anyhoo, thank you for connecting with us daily and giving us both quality AND are fantastic! So happy to have come across a Christian sister in this blog-o-sphere…keep growing those babies and hope you had a great date night!

  2. Passed through East Texas today on my way to visit my parents. Think I might visit the teeny tiny Goodwill while I’m in town. You look so cute in your finds.

  3. I LOVE your Thrifted or Gifted posts. I am a frequent thrift store shopper, but I’ve noticed that our California thrift store prices are 2 to 3 times more than you pay. Sometimes a good sale at Target, Kohls, Ross, etc… is cheaper than buying someone’s used items. Kinda frustrating. : (

  4. My husband travels a lot for work, and I must say I really enjoy the homecomings. I almost feel sorry for people who don’t get to experience them regularly! The giddy anticipation, the sped-up pulse, the carefully choosing what to wear, trying to find ways to leave the kids at home (I have older kids so no babysitter issues, but sometimes they just want to come with and I have to be creative about finding reasons they can’t other than “I want him all to myself!”–although that one works in a pinch, too.), and then of course the first glimpse as he comes through security, and then the long hug and smooches right there in front of everyone…and I’ll stop there, but I’m sure you can imagine the rest! 🙂 Have fun today!!! I get to pick mine up TOMORROW!!!

I love hearing from you guys!