Okay, so you guys know that Iโ€™ve done freezer meal exchanges. And Iโ€™ve also mentioned doing once-a-month cooking. But I donโ€™t think I had ever actually prepped all of the meals for one week on the first day of that week like I did last week (weekโ€ฆI was using the same stinking word so many times, I figured one more wouldnโ€™t hurt).

Sure, Iโ€™ve cooked meat or marinated veggies with an idea of what Iโ€™ll use them for throughout the week (gah!). But never anything as official as last week time.

And you know what?

I like it! A lot.

We ate each meal on its designated day and even for lunches sometimes. Fridays are my day off from cooking (my boys sleep over at my momโ€™s, and Shaun and I always order in). And Saturday, we had a smorgasbord, choose-your-own dinner type of thing with all the leftovers from the week. Sunday night was breakfast for dinner (I have a killer waffle recipe, in case youโ€™re interested), andโ€”voila!โ€”here we are at Monday again. And the best part of all is that I was in such a major cooking mode last Monday that I made huge batches and even had enough to freeze some for later! Woot!

And I do believe Iโ€™m going to wash, rinse, and repeat because it worked so well!

On the menu this week:

  1. Shepherdโ€™s Pie
  2. Spaghetti (Yes, I know last week was lasagna, but my husband very specifically requested thisโ€ฆsame homemade sauceโ€ฆdifferent noodles. Apparently he likes it).
  3. The best Chicken Enchiladas in the whole-wide-world (not my recipe, so I can say that without being a braggart).

Okay, so I realize that was pretty much a blog post all in itself, but I really wanted to talk to you about something else entirely today. I just couldnโ€™t resist sharing something that had worked really well for me in case you want to give it a try.

So, yโ€™all already know, if youโ€™ve been reading for any period of time at all, how much I love blue-green. Itโ€™s practically my 6th kid. (Didnโ€™t some celebrity name her kid โ€œblue?โ€ I guess I could pull it off).

And, true to form, my entryway was painted a shade of my favorite color. It looked something like this:

old entryway

Itโ€™s very me, and I like it a lot.


It was kind of dark. The color (SHโ€™s Quietude) is gorgeous, but it was just a bit moody for the first thing you see upon stepping through our front door.

So, in a fit of must-change-this-now while Shaun was on a work trip a few weekโ€™s back, I repainted the entryway Dover White.

And then I found a fabulous subway art sign at Ross for $20.

And a gorgeous teal Chinese garden stool at Kirklandโ€™s for $38 (originally $120).

And I ended up with this:


A lighter, brighter, more modern entryway, for less than $60 (not including the paint).

And if this is all you could see, Iโ€™d be plenty happy. But this is the cropped version. and thereโ€™s a whole lot more white wall to do something with in the non-cropped version.

Which is why I need your help!

Iโ€™m going to show you three different versions of the entryway makeover-in-progress, and then Iโ€™d love it if youโ€™d leave a comment with your favorite plus any further suggestions you have for finishing off the space.


Here is:


This is just a panned out version of the above pic.

And then we have:


2nd verse, almost same as the 1st, except with the flowers added back in.

And last we have:


Flowers, subway art, stoolโ€ฆbut no basket.

So, what do you think?

I know that the differences arenโ€™t exactly earth-shattering. But Iโ€™d still love to hear your thoughts.

Also, what else does the space need, if anything?

I have one little project in mind for it that I will (hopefully) show you tomorrow for Try-it Tuesday, but Iโ€™m wondering whether I should add back in the decorative tin accents over the hall-tree since itโ€™s a rather large expanse of white above it (and I didnโ€™t take the hanging nails out yet, just painted over them).

What, if anything, should I add to the space?

And what about meal-planning? Whatโ€™s your favorite method (or is it more of a โ€œletโ€™s see whatโ€™s in the cupboard today!โ€ type of deal)?


  1. #3. All three are nice but the basket needs to go. Love your house by the way and love reading your blog. You rock!! Blessings, Jenny from Nova Scotia, Canada.

  2. like #3, but drop the flowers and vase, to southwest for your fun crisp retro style, but the fun glass knobs from your original post looked cute and colorful, why not line them up opposite the subway art (instead of over the hall tree like in the original pic) to add balance and some color, and a big basket would be great for shoes, under the hall tree. But even if you left it as it, it’s too cute!

  3. Option 3. I agree with a couple others maybe TRY the basket on the rungs of your hall tree but it is likely to make it TOO busy or symmetrical. I wouldn’t put the small pieces back above the hall tree because it’d take away from the new sign (which I LOVE!). If you absolutely need something above (it’s hard to tell just how much space there is and how bare it looks) maybe try a scrolly design or monogram or welcome or something non dimensional painted on. Also maybe more or, better yet, brighter flowers. Not like competing with the great red sign but maybe just a tad brighter. I feel like with the change of paint and the lack of the knob art and the addition of the white-ish hat and towel, you could use just a tiny bit more color.

  4. Could you do #1 with the basket under the hall tree? Or maybe some pillows stacked under there? I think a little fabrics something would finish it nicely.

    Do you have your recipes posted anywhere? I’d love to give freezer meals a shot.
    Love your face.

  5. I would like #1 better with the basket on the lower shelf like others suggested….or going with #3 (but I’m not crazy about the urn…has a different feel than everything else). I agree with some other comments about not overdoing it or it could look cluttered. I’d also like to see one more teal piece….maybe a scarf to hang on a hook instead of the cream piece. But you have to like it…it’s your house!!

  6. I think no basket on the stool and add a fabric to the bottom of your wooden furniture… Something with red and blue inion it do it goes with your sign, stool and shelf area.

  7. I really like #3, as is, although they all look pretty and welcoming. I am having my living room and kitchen painted this week and someone mentioned Dover White. Can you tell me who makes it?


  8. I like #2. The flowers break up the turquoise and give a little yellow for the eye to catch. Also, Kirkland, the Chinese stool, needs a basket on his head. He just looks miserable sitting there by himself in #3. Give him a job. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I like number three the best, but I might add some tall branches or reeds to the urn instead of the flowers and I like the idea of putting the basket on the shelf. I have to say that I just discovered your blog and I feel like I’ve discovered a kindred spirit. I love your ideas and what you stand for, though I don’t know how you do it all with 6 kids! “His strength is made perfect in weakness…” Thanks for sharing your life with us!

    1. Oops! I mean 5 kids! I guess my blog-stalking abilities are not as good as I thought they were. -Anne

  10. Great job on the weekly cooking! I’ve wanted to do it for quite some time, but just haven’t. My ultimate dream would be to do a once-a-month cook….now that would be awesome! Lately, the best I can muster is a menu-plan on the weekend with accompanying grocery shopping so I have all my stuff for the week. 2 wks ago, I did make up a big batch of soup for lunch throughout the week and some healthy peanut butter balls for kid snacks. I have lofty goals this week to, better get busy!
    Love the voting on the foyer decor…..I’m going w/ Option #3. But, I feel like the hall tree needs something. I like the idea of moving the basket down below. I also think the urn needs something taller in it….like some tall wispy grass-looking greenery. Nothing too bushy…something to pull the eye upward. You could even spray-paint some branches from your yard gold and stick them in there to bring some natural feel indoors??? I also think the hall tree needs some more color…..like a colorful jacket or apron hung from it…..something yellow….yes, I think that’s what it needs. Maybe a small rug under the hall tree to tie it all together. I love the “finds” from Kirklands & Ross….very cute!
    Funny how I have so many suggestions for your space, but still lack inspiration for my own….hmmmmm???
    Be sure to post a pic of the final configuration ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. I love #3 and it would allow the stool to be used. That is a much need in a foyer. Love the subway art with its punch of red.

  12. I like number 3. The basket looks a little wobbly on the stool; it might look better on the bottom shelf of the cabinet. I would add the tin accents back in – there is a lot of white above the cabinet.
    I just spent the entire morning in the kitchen cooking dinners for the next four days….with the plan being that this will free up some time for me this week.

  13. I like #3 as well, but I would love to see what it looks like with the basket on the bottom shelf because I love baskets and would hate to omit it altogether. I LOVE the Subway art (Ross rocks!!!!!)

  14. I like 2 but, I think it would be nice to try moving the wooden piece to the right slightly and put the blue-green stool in the corner and remove the flower arrangement entirely, but that’s just me ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Number 3. The scale of the basket is wrong for the stool (plus, is anyone ever going to read a magazine standing in your entryway?. I think remove the basket, then the stool can be used to sit on to tie shoes. Love the hall tree, and the subway art is precious!

  16. I like option 3, but add the basket at the bottom and put art over the stand, or you could paint just the one wall a fun accent color!

  17. I like Lynn’s idea… otherwise I would go with option 1…. the urn and flowers bring the crispness down a notch.. love them, just not in this space…

  18. #3….but I agree with the previous poster…try putting the basket on the bottom shelf of your hat stand. Maybe get a basket a little bigger though.

  19. Love the fresh white. How about this as an option: Remove the urn and flowers, put the basket back in but put in on the “shelfy” think on the bottom of your hat/coat stand? I like the basket shape and size, but it’s too big for teh turquoise garden stool/table. Whatchya think?

  20. I really love option 2! It might be a little bit more crowded, but it looks more welcoming to me and I like the flowers and the vase a lot.

  21. ok i like #3 best but what about some tall flowers or branches (with that color you had the wall painted previously)? i think it will bring ur eye up and cover some of the white wall space there. it seems like it needs something for the other side to balance the subway art (which i luv). or you could hang those AMAZING tiles pieces with the knobs (like two) right above one another. and so away with the flowers completely and use that vase as your umbrella holder. i realize that’s two options but i get carried away, LOL!

I love hearing from you guys!