
It’s probably not best to let a bunch of women with children (most of them of the smallish variety) out of the house without said children, all at the same time, at the same place. If it can’t be avoided, definitely don’t make it worse by supplying them with massive amounts of cake pops and flavored coffee.

Otherwise, they’re likely to catch their second wind around 11 PM…

At which point they will feel compelled to do their best Von Trapp children impressions.

Of course.


…Impressions that they will feel compelled to rehearse and reshoot until they reach an acceptable level of 1) synchronization and 2) flying hair (on my part, at least).


Absolute mayhem, I tell ya.

P.S. Apparently, when everybody else got the jazz hands memo, I heard, “Look like a preteen who just spotted Bieber.” (And is about to take him down).

P.P.S. Special thanks to Leisel  Heather and Brigitta  Erika (because remember I was totally Gretel?) for being so much better at jazz hands than I am.


  1. I am {finally} making it back to the computer and couldn’t wait to hop on over and check out your space. Oh how I LAUGHED when I saw this!!! 🙂 Had SUCH a BLAST with you! So thankful for the time we had together, Friend!!!

I love hearing from you guys!