This past Monday, we had BODYCOMBAT launch. If you’ve been reading a while, then you know that means that several grown women get together, dress alike, and then punch and kick the air while hollering and sweating profusely. It’s pure awesomeness, if you’re into that sort of thing. (Read this post if you want a good laugh about things that can—and almost did—go wrong when grown women wear matching exercise clothes).
In addition to the outfits, a lot of times, we try to do fun things with our hair. All three of the other girls have looooooong hair, so braids and poofs and all that jazz are easy. For obvious reasons, however, my options are limited.
Since cutting my hair really short, I haven’t attempted any “hairstyles” whatsoever, simply because any amount of pinning or half-upping tends to make me look like a preschooler. But for launch, I tried a few twists, and it turned out surprisingly well, so I’ve been wearing my hair twisted back away from my face all week long, and it’s been a nice change of pace from the usual pat-the-frizzies-away-and-go look of the last few months.
My twisty hairstyle kept reminding me of something, but I couldn’t quite place it until I was buying some flowers for my sister-in-law the other night, and I thought of this hairdo that Gwyneth Paltrow wore in Sliding Doors.
{I would credit the pic, but after the Google images, it was a dead link}
I’ve always loved this twisty look embellished with flowers. So, after putting together this bouquet for Hannah…
{via instagram}
…I nabbed a couple of those pretty lilac and yellow flowers and attempted my own spin on a floral twist updo.
Here is it from the front:
From the side:
And from the back:
I had just gotten my hair cut earlier that day and hadn’t washed it yet to recover the curl, so it would honestly have looked a lot better without the blunt-cut dull edges.
Still, it was pretty. And easy. In fact, these twists have always been my go-to, looks-fancy-but-isn’t-really hairstyle (I even have a very informal tutorial for the twists—shot in a Chick-fil-a booth, no less), and I’m happy to have discovered that they still work, even with my shorter hair.
So, if you have short hair, don’t despair! (Apparently, I am suddenly Dr. Seuss). This easy, twisty up-do might be just the thing the next time you’re going out to dinner or, you know, to BODYCOMBAT.
I hope y’all have an awesome weekend! I’ve got the Color Vibe run tomorrow, which is awesome, but I’ve still got a fair bit to do to get out the door, so wish me luck because…
Here I goooooooo…
When you did that hair tutorial forever ago, I tried it, and LOVED it. I still do it all the time, and I do it in my girls’ hair which is much shorter than mine. I always get compliments on that twist, so thank you for sharing!
Really pretty! I’m impressed you did it with short hair ;). I should try it on my shoulder length hair….I bet it would work!!
I really wish I lived closer and could come to Bodycombat……I think I would love it :))