Well, we’ve survived one full week of homeshooling now. More than survived, actually. Outside of one morning last week during which Della, then Simon, then Ezra fell victim to the domino effect of the full-on tantrum meltdown, things have been remarkably smooth.
At one point, Ezra chirped, “I love homeschooling, Mama! This is perfect!”
I tell you that because–oh my goodness–those words actually came out of his mouth!!!!! How could I not document it?
But it doesn’t mean that every day sounds like something from the script of Leave it to Beaver around here. (I’m pretty sure the Leave it to Beaver mom never referred to her child as a “dingbat” when he claimed to not know how to do something and didn’t even bother to read the instructions first…ahem).
And, yes, things are hectic, and I’m getting my daily workout in just from how many times I run up and down the stairs as I alternate between feeding twins, changing diapers, helping Della with her letters, and answering questions for the boys.
I’ll talk more about the actual routine of things in another post soon-ish, but for now, I thought I’d just share a few snapshots from our first week back to homeschooling.
I’m not doing anything terribly formal with Della’s “schooling” since she’s only 3, but we do work on letters, numbers, and writing a little bit at a time each day until she gets bored and wants to go trash her room with her sisters.
Clearly she and the twins are quite proficient and would make great rock star groupies (future hotel rooms of America, watch out).
And this is how they look when they emerge from the debris.
Tutu, check. Brother’s soccer socks, check. Owl hat, check. Swimsuit, check. Mama’s swimsuit (worn wrestler-style, natch), check.
Oh, we can’t forget Evy’s obsession with toothbrushes and toothpaste.
(P.S. I had just given the twins baths and had not braided their hair, which is pretty much the only surefire way to keep it from hanging in their eyes like that; they look like poor little neglected orphan children).
And while the boys do this…
…the laundry does this:
Most of the boys’ work happens upstairs in our “big room,” but every now and then, they end up scattered all over the house.
In the kitchen…
Even on the ottoman in the living room…
When the twins are napping (AKA: unavailable for room demolition), Della does a little of this:
(I already talked in another post about the whole tongue-out-for-concentration thing being an inherited trait from their daddy, but I don’t think I’d ever noticed Della doing it particularly until now).
Which produces this:
Which, I honestly think is kind of pretty…except that it only occupied her for 9 whopping minutes4.
Fridays are a bit more laid back than the rest, with the emphasis on a weekly spelling test and art.
Last week, we made pinwheels out of leftover magazines. (If you’re an artsy sort, don’t laugh; it’s not my forte).
And the ABSOLUTE BEST part of homeschooling so far? My boys woke up at 5:30 this morning and made a surprise breakfast of (woefully under-salted) eggs and bacon! Come to think of it, I have no idea what that has to do with homeschooling, but it happened and also needed to be bragged about documented for posterity’s sake (AKA: I need to reread this post when I’m losing my ever-loving mind on a particularly hard day).
I won’t lie and say that I feel all perky and excited most days (um, ever?). I don’t. I have silenced my 6 AM alarm every. single. time it’s begun it’s annoyingly melodic trill this past week. That’s going to have to change. Starting with an earlier bedtime than midnight.
And by 2 PM, all I can think is, ALL CHILDREN IN THEIR ROOMS NOW!!!! At which point, I stumble to my room, ignoring the pile of folded laundry I need to put away, and collapse on my bed for 45 minutes.
Those 45 minutes are what gets me through the second half of the day (that, and lots of Jesus), so when the 3-year-old hollers, “I need to go pooooooootttttyyy!” from her room 19 minutes (i.e. 7 minutes after I fell asleep) into Mama’s 45 minute cone of silence, Mama is…unhappy.
And when Mama ain’t happy…yeah, you know the rest.
Anyhoo, just keeping it real, there, but other than the inherent chaos that results from attempting to do 95 things at once, I have no real complaints.
Homeschooling is exactly what I expected: hard, busy, but totally worth it.
How have your first weeks back to school (homeschooling or otherwise) treated you so far?
Any good stories to tell? I’m all ears!
I have 4 kids (5, almost 4, and identical twin 2 year olds) and even though our 5 year old is in kindergarten and our 3 year old is in preschool (neither are homeschooled), I still work with all of my kids a lot at home.. Id even say they’re homeschooled when they’re not at school, haha. How do you entertain your twins while you do schoolwork with your other children? That’s where I’m having some trouble. My twins want to be right up in the action, but my older two need some peace and quiet to do their work.. Any suggestions?
Our first week of homeschool was last week. I was only planning to do 4 days, but that turned into 3 when I was nauseous/vomiting too much to even be able to stand up. Fortunately, my daughter texted my sweet friend & neighbor who took the kids part of that day & part of the next. Plus another sweet friend who is a nurse brought me antibiotics & came back to check on me later. Turned out to be a raging sinus infection. That explains the 10 day headache! Gone now!) So we had a pretty low key first week of school. But the fact that we didn’t do as much “school” made the kids more willing to be cooperative. 🙂
Thank you for this very real post about being a homeschooling Mama! I’m in the trenches with ya & agree it’s Hard & worth it! By the grace of God we keep chugging along! 🙂 my prayer is that our school days will be overwhelmed by God’s amazing creativity and Grace!
Cheers to another homeschool year and keep the homeschool posts a coming!
You are so not alone here…I homeschool all 4 now and, the way you typically feel??? That’s me…never particularly thrilled, always trying to balance so many things and not snap at every thing they don’t understand, don’t read, don’t finish…it is HARD, so I REJOICE with your wonderful week and moments….they are a gift from the Lord and I know you thank Him for them <3
Great job Momma!
I love it! This is our 4th year homeschooling and I would still say exactly the same thing – hard, busy, but totally worth it. My youngest is now in third grade and wanted to try and fry an egg on the concrete today. When I told him maybe later, he said, “I need to practice the scientific method. You need to be a homeschool mom, momma.” So you know, there’s always that to look forward to. 🙂
Keep up the good work, Momma.
You are a great mom! I think sometimes we just need to hear that. Homeschooling is a wonderful gift, and it takes a lot of sacrifice. I am looking forward to hearing about your homeschooling routine/schedule.