There is a point that I reach in every pregnancy where getting dressed just sounds like a joke. A cruel, sadistic joke that had to have been invented by a man, who, by laws of nature, will never have to experience this particular level of extreme clothing aversion.
Of course, by “dressed,” I mean in anything other than items made from the stretchiest of materials. (Wandering around in the buff sounds even crueler–especially to those around me–than actually clothing myself).
And I am here to say, my friends, that I have reached that point. At 39 weeks and change, there are very few items in my closet with whom I am still on speaking terms. Last week alone, I had a girls’ night out and a date night with my husband–both of which are rare and cherished occurrences. And yet. They required semi-cute outfits that didn’t leave 3 1/2 inches of belly exposed. Ugh.
Now, in all likelihood, I’ve still got a ways to go (my babies tend to be fashionably late to the party), so the 6 items I have left in my closet that still look decent and cover the bump will be on constant repeat for the next ____________ (insert more days than I care to even consider).
So, what’s a very pregnant girl to do?
Why, browse for clothes for when she’s not pregnant anymore (which might be in 2015…yipes!), of course.
And where is said very pregnant girl to do such browsing?…since actually going to a store and trying on anything would be enough to send her on a crying jag of such epic proportions that it might take a very large Coke Icee and several Snickers bars to quell it? Oh, and especially since said pregnant girl doesn’t exactly want to drop a wad of cash on these after-baby clothes that may or may not fit for another 3 months (optimistically).
The answer:
Have you heard of it?
It’s an online used clothing consignment site that lets you search by brand name, size, item type, color, and pretty much any other qualifier your heart could desire until you find just the right thing in just the right size.
The pictures they display are usually quite clear and detailed, they carry a huge variety of brands, and–maybe best of all in my mind–they give each article of clothing a “wear” rating and include a description of any possible flaws.
I was fairly unfamiliar with the site until a few weeks ago, when I did a FB poll, and several lovely peeps assured me of their good experiences with ThredUp and even clued me in to a 40% off an entire order coupon that I could use.
So! With my coupon code copied to my clipboard, I proceeded to spend a Friday evening snuggled next to my husband, watching a movie with one eye while browsing ThredUp for the best deals with my other (apparently, I have very talented, slightly schizo eyeballs; just don’t quiz me about the movie plot).
And you know what I discovered? Some really amazing deals.
Want proof?
I was very picky with my selections–only choosing name brand items that were described as “like new” condition, with a starting price point of $12 or less (most way less)
And while, yes, it probably looks like I bought items for next spring (which, hey, may be the most realistic projection for when I can fit into them), the truth is that our Texas winters tend to be mild enough that I should be able to wear the shirts under layers like cardigans and the dresses with tights, boots, and jackets as soon as I’m able to squeeze into them.
To my delight, all of the items arrived in true “like new” condition (I’m pretty sure several of them, including the shoes, had never been worn) and were exactly as described/pictured on the site.
And now, because I’m sure you’re dying to know the total for my haul, I am happy to announce that I got 2 dresses, 4 tops, one pair of shoes, and one wool-blend zip-up hoodie (ah, how I love hoodies!) for…
$50. 58Â
And I never left my house. (#holla)
Saaaaaaaay WHAT?!!!
Shipping was free on orders over $50 (did I nail that or what?), and then there was the 40% off coupon, so I got about the best deal I possibly could have. But still. Mint condition, cute clothes, shipped to your door for only a little more than Goodwill prices?
Can’t. be. beat.
And before you think that I have signed up to be a spokesperson for ThredUp (although, apparently, I should, huh?) this post is simply a public service announcement to all of you fellow thrifties who love a good deal as much as I do.
In case you can’t already tell, I’m a fan.
So, spill: have any of you ever tried ThredUp? Were you as impressed as I was? I was genuinely happy with everything from the packaging (which was cute and thorough) to the clothing quality and accuracy.
Did this post give you a hankering to try it for yourself? If so, shoot me your email address at blogabbie{at}gmail{dot}com or just leave it in the comments, and I’ll send you a friend share code that gives you an automatic $10 credit if you’re a first-time customer. In full disclosure, it also gives me $10 for sharing, but, while it probably seems like this was the ulterior motive of this post, the truth is that I was just so excited to share about my score that wrote the entire post, hit publish, and THEN went to the site and realized that I could use the friend-share code with as many people as I wanted (I had previously thought it was a one time thing). So…NO PRESSURE at all, but if you’re interested in giving it a go…we both win! 😉
Finally trying Thred-up! Is it too late for a Code?
Is it too late for a referral code? If not, I’d love one at bmricker(at)gmail(dot)com Thanks, Abbie!
Just now seeing this. Is it too late for the code?
Is it too late for the code?
is it too late to ask for a code?
Yes please, I won’t tell my Goodwill either!
Is it too late to ask for a code? 🙂
I would love the code! Living on my husbands military income and my meager nanny pay thrifting has been my go to! Thanks! And I just love reading your blog posts! So encouraging!
I’d take the code too, please!
Thanks, can’t wait to check it out!
love code pls
I’d love code
Would love to try this, thanks!
Um, yes please! Praying for a happy and peaceful rest of your pregnancy too.
I would also like to try this! Please send the friend code 🙂
love to try it!!
Thanks so much for the code and invite. I got a brand new pair of Sam Edelman sandals for $9.58 shipped! Woo Hoo! I love a good bargain and all while shopping on my couch in my jammies. 🙂
oh dear, yes, please! I’m in the last few months of an Arizona Winter pregnancy and I only have summer maternity clothes. This is perfect!!
Ah yes, nothing better than a code!!!
oh yes! I love me some thrifty online shopping! leighannerushing(at)yahoo You scored some great stuff! And I do understand the getting dressed up at the end of pregnancy. I had a job interview at 38 weeks with baby #4 and it was so stressful trying to figure out what in the world to wear 🙂
I would love a code! Thanks 🙂
I would love it!
Please send me a code
That JCrew dress! Wow- all incredible- maybe I can get into some pre-Christmas trouble! Coupon code please! To:
I would take a look with a coupon!
I love your blog! I recommend it to every mother I know for encouragement in motherhood, marriage and spiritual journey. Such a blessing it has been to me in the last couple years I have been reading it!
Please send me the code. Thank!
Oh, thanks, Erica! You’re too sweet. I hope you find something!
love it!! and the code…
LOVE the Anthro top!!! Score!
I’m going to be in so much trouble! ;p
I would love the code. Thanks!!
As a thrifty SAHM I’d love the code, thanks!
I’d love to get that credit! I’m love thrifting and the more options, the better! Thanks so much!
I’d love a referral coupon too!
I’d love a referral coupon.
I’m obsessed with ThredUp. I can’t remember the last time I went to Goodwill, and I used to go all the time! You just can’t beat the convenience! And sending them clothes has been a really great way to get rid of unwanted clothing items, as well!
I bought items at thredup right after giving birth to get some clothes to help me through the postpartum period. So helpful with a new baby when leaving the house is almost impossinle