Hi there, y’all!
(Yes, a day late)
I’m guessing that a fair number of you have been assuming that I’m home with a new baby since there hasn’t been any posting going on this week.
I wish.
Alas. This little fella is still warm and snuggly IN his mama’s tummy (stinker).
I had plans of posting Christmas pics of our house and various other things for the first couple of days this week, but I’m honestly glad I didn’t.
For the first time in, well, maybe since we’ve had kids, I really feel like we celebrated the season without screeching right up to the last minute with gift buying and other such nonsense. Too often, the day after Christmas, I feel a little bit unfulfilled. Not because I truly believe that all of the fluff surrounding Christmas is what makes it important or worth celebrating. No, it’s more like I place unrealistic expectations on what we “should” be accomplishing. And when we don’t reach them, I’m disappointed. (Silly? Yup).
This year, my expectations were pretty low. We started early with the Christmas music, made cookies on a whim, decorated what/when we could and didn’t worry about it when we couldn’t, meandered through a neighborhood in our van one night trying to find the “good lights”–hot chocolate in hand–and watched several “classic” (and not-so-classic–I suppose “While You Were Sleeping” isn’t strictly a Christmas movie) movies.
We talked about why Jesus is the reason for the season and kept the radio tuned to our local Christian station that only plays Christmas music starting December 1st.
And through it all, we kept expecting to have all of the festivities interrupted by the best and most authentically Christmas of gifts–a new little baby.
Obviously, that didn’t happen, but I’m pretty okay with that, given the busyness and bustle surrounding this season. I’m grateful that my older kids got to participate in all of the festivities with their Mama waddling along beside instead of needing to run off and nurse every couple of hours.
But now?
Now, there’s not much that feels like it needs to be “checked off” before he comes, so now is when the true “hurry up and wait” thing starts to go down.
To distract me from that, I decided to play a little game on FB and Instagram and thought those of you who aren’t on social media would like to play along too.
All you have to do is leave a comment with your best guess for:
1) Day and time of birth
2) Weight and length of Baby #6
…and, once he’s born, I’ll go through and find the closest guess, and that person will win a fun little prize. Sound good?
Okay. Ready, set, go!
P.S. Don’t forget to leave me some way of contacting you so I can let you know if you win!
I posted a guess posted on dec 29 at 5:53 of= dec 30, 9PM, 8lbs 9oz, 21.4in. But I wasn’t sure if my info was left. That’s why I’m posting now. Email is mcnall1@hotmail.com. Congratulations on your new baby boy, Theo! 😉
you said you’re usually late, so I’m gonna guess the 4th of January ….. at 9ish p.m. and….. somewhere around 7lb and 19 in
12.31.14 @ 12.34 weighing 7lb.11oz. measuring 22.5 in.
I’m going with Dec. 31. Gotta get in on this year’s deductible, of course! 🙂
11:02 AM
6 lb 14.5 oz
20.5″ long
I’m going to give our #1’s stats and see how close your little man comes to it 🙂
January 1st, 6:17am, 7 lbs, 12 oz, (can’t recall exact height so I’m going with) 19 inches
December 28, 2014 at 10:39 a.m., 8lbs 9oz 17inches <3
6:52 am
6lbs 6oz
18.4 in
December 28th at 5:50pm. 7lbs 3oz and 19 in. Can’t wait to see pictures of the cute little guy! 🙂
Steph.Hankin {at} gmail {dot} com
Dec 30 932 am 19in 7lb 2oz
I think he will arrive Dec 29 @ 3:27am. Weight 7lb 4 oz. I don’t do metrics lol
Good luck, and yes I thought you were maybe home with your new baby, but obviously he is so snug where he is for now. Bless.
Jan 2 @ 4:30 am, 3.45 kg and 52 cm
Good luck!!!!!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I know you are probably miserable with still being pregnant, but having a Christmas baby is no fun. My daughter was born on the 22nd and we have always made sure to never include her birthday with Christmas, it is always special and separate.
I think he will be born on January 1st, at 5:30 a.m. weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces.
Dec. 30, 11 a.m., 8 lbs, 4 oz, 20 inches long.
Dec 31 @ 8:32pm. 7lbs 7oz and 19 1/2 inches long
January 1 @ 230 in the morning – 6 lbs 12 oz
Dec 30th @ 12 : 47 pm
8.6 lbs and 20 1/4″
Dec 30th @ 12:47 pm
Bet you aren’t loving all these January guesses…. My guess is he will come on his birthday. And he will weigh 7lbs.
Dec 28th at 6:33am; 7lbs 11oz & 21 inches long {stats from my first born}
Ohh, how I love “While You Were Sleeping”. I just put that in my laptop to rewatch, actually. It’s one of my favorites! …. As for the guessing game, I say December 1st sometime.
12/28/14 ; 5:37 pm ; 8 lbs 13 oz ; 21 inches long
January 5, 2015 @ 2:40 am. 7lbs, 3 oz, 21 inches.
Dec31 6:21am 8.7lbs 19 3/4 inches long ……..I truly hope you don’t have to wait that long!
December 29, 11:30am, 7 lbs 3 oz. 21 inches long h8zels(at)gmail(dot)com
December 27 @ 6:21 AM
8 lb., 2 oz.
I’ll be thinking of and praying for you these next few weeks!
1/1/15 at 1:11pm and he will weigh 7lbs 7oz, 19 in long
December 30th at 8:33pm 7lbs, 5oz 20 inches
Dec. 30 – 4:48pm – 9lbs 2oz – 22 in. Can’t wait to see pictures of him!
Dec 28 11:21 am 7lb 4 oz 19 1/2 in
c norman
1/5/15 @ 1:51am 7lbs 15 oz 20.5inches long
December 29, 11.30 pm, 8 lbs, 4 oz, 21 in. But whenever he comes, and however big he is, enjoy him! themclean6 (at) gmail (dot) com
12-28, 7lbs 5oz
slichter 27@gmail. Com
Jan 1st 416am….8lbs 3oz 21.5 inches
Jan 3 @ 2:11 a.m. 7 lbs. 11 oz. 19 1/2 inches
December 28 at 8:20PM
8lbs 10oz and 20 inches
Jan 1 @ 12:05 am. 7 lbs 3 oz and 19 1/2 “
12-29 @ 5:42 and 8lbs 7oz 21 1/4 inches. Jennam322@yahoo.com
December 31st 320am 7lbs 8oz 19inches 🙂
Dec 30, 9pm, 8lbs 9oz, 21.4in