Howdy, y’all!
Welcome to M is for Mama! In honor of launching my brand spankin’ new site, I’m celebrating with a month of all things M. Each day’s title will begin with the letter M and will range from recipes (macaroons, anyone?) to deep thoughts (I might even mull a little) to home decor (makeovers are my fave!), with a little mayhem thrown in for good measure, I’m sure. What else could you expect with 5 little munchkins running around (Wow, I promise I won’t always be this alliterative, but I can’t promise we won’t all hate the letter M by the time we’re done).
If you’re new here, I’m so glad you stopped by! I’ve blogged for over two years over at Five days…5 ways, and I’m super-excited to begin a new blogging chapter here at M is for Mama. If you’re a long-time reader, I’ll give you a second to catch your breath as I’m sure you’re reeling from all the changes.
The thing is…not much has changed really. I won’t be using specific-topic-per-day schedule that you’re used to, but otherwise…I’m still me.
I still love Jesus, my family, good grammar, thrifting, DIY, exercising (and, of course, parentheses).
So, why the change? Well, if you’re a regular reader, then you probably read my M is for Mama post from this past spring. Ever since I wrote that post (and all of your kind, encouraging responses), the thought of motherhood as my defining role has niggled at the back of my brain. I talked about embracing that role even though it has always been hard for me to define myself as “just” a mama. And I acknowledged it for what is–the most important chance I will ever have to shape, nurture, and brainwash guide another human being (or five).
It got me to thinking about the way I blog and the limitations of a particular posting theme for each day. So, I decided, with guidance from my uber-wise (yes, he reads my blog) husband, to throw off the shackles of my blogging schedule and leap into the great unknown of blogging about whatever-the-heck-I-want-whatever-day-I-want (oh, what a concept).
And I decided to write what I know. Which, at this point, is, admittedly, not much (motherhood…it does things to your brain). But the little I do is all about a hectic, crazy, creative, make-the-best-of-and-never-pay-more-than-you-absolutely-have-to-for-it life full of love, poopy diapers, and less sleep than I’d like (not sure why I didn’t make that my blog header).
I know so many of you can relate when I say that my children have unlocked a creative component in my heart that I didn’t even know I had, and I’m so grateful to the Lord for that inspirational gleam in their eyes (even when I’d give anything to not be able to see it because they’re asleep).
I hope you’ll join me as I laugh, paint, thrift, style, cook–but mostly–MAMA (which, yes, is sometimes interchangeable with “muddle”) my way through it all.
I. Can’t. Wait.
I wondered what “M is for Mama” was in my inbox! I didn’t remember signing up for anything new, so I ignored them for a few days (didn’t delete, just ignored). Tonight I’m finally catching up on my email, so I clicked on your post and I was so happy to see you on the other end! I had to come back this far to see what had happened to fd5w! I’m so glad you’re still here 🙂
Hey Abbie!
I made the move over…..yay! So excited for you new blog! Can’t wait to see what is in store….High-Five to hubby on the new site! Looks awesome 🙂
Hi Abbie, I might have commented on your FDFW blog once but I read it all the time. Just to let you know that you have many more fans than number of comments. I like reading your blog for everything, family, kids, diy and I am excited for your new blog. You go girl!!
You are so beautiful! So are your kids! I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing yourself with the world.
Hi Abbie,
LOVE the new website and the freestyle blogging and the name and logo!
I have 1 wittle suggestion, drop down the header/banner about half an inch (the designer in me can’t help but make that suggestion)
Will follow both blogs now! 😀 oh and btw if I have a wifey/mama related question how can I send that to you?
Happy Blogging!
Hi! 🙂
Love the look & the name. I simply adore your blog, you make me look forward to the chaotic, craziness of motherhood and give me hope that within that you can still dress super cute and make time to work out. Keep up the awesomeness!
I loved your other blog and I’m sure I’ll love this one too. Keep up the great work!
Blog on, Mama!
Good For you girl, I’m not a Mama yet but have been a fan of your bloh for over a year! Congrats!
Happy to see the renovation! Good for you and for us readers. I have a question related to the motherhood – do you use disposable or cloth diapers?
Just thought I would pop on over and say ‘hi’ 🙂 I am an avid reader of your when I get on feedly and see you’ve posted again…keep doing what your’re an inspiration!
cant wait! already liked M on FB and added you to my GFC
Yay for you and a new blog! The M is for Mama article was indeed a huge encouragement!
Congrats on your new blog! I’m so excited to follow along.
Hi Abby! Look forward to the new blog. I really enjoy reading all the things you write! And I really love the picture of you and all the kids. 🙂 So precious!
LOVE the new blog – and the twins’ picture inside the “M” – perfection!
Excited for your new blog!!!
Yay! I’m here, I’m here!! I seriously rushed over to like your FB page, only to see that a couple of other people had gotten there first…and I was like, “Hey!” I felt jealous and cheated. 😉 Excited to have a new blog, and soo glad you’re not quitting on blogging. Because, you know, you’re one of my favs. For sure. I’d love to meet you some day!! 😀
I love your new site! I started reading a year ago when you had your twins. I love kids and want a big family ( I have 4 already) or as many as God would allow me to have. As a fellow Christian I love how open you are to talk about God. I love hearing about your kids and love seeing all your diy projects!
Hi! A new follower, clicked over from Mandy’s blog too! I’ve two little boys and just had my first girl, I also love thrifting and love ur thrifted or grifted posts:). Also ur original M is for Mama blog post is so so good. I can so relate! I also appreciate ur background, I too was one of those first generation homeschoolers, back when it was so scary and counterculture 😉 excited to follow your new blog!
And there’s MY bad grammar! Too many thoughts at once!
Looks awesome! I’m so excited to continuing to follow your stories. As a fellow Texan I feel like we are long lost sisters. Hopefully one day I can find that awesome GW you’re always referencing because here in Houston they’re all overpriced! Good luck Abbie! Looking forward to the journey!
I was never able to comment before either. I’ve only been following you for over a year, right before you had your twins. I came over from Mandy’s blog and have been hooked! I love how real you are!
Hi Abbie, How exciting for you! I can’t wait to see what you have to say at M is for Mama 🙂 The site looks great btw.
Congrats on the new “do”! I recently did this same thing at my own blog – stepped back from the crammed calendar of scheduled posts and focused on sharing what *I* love/support/care about/think is awesome…with a whole new blog design to boot. Movin’ onward. Feels SO GOOD doesn’t it? Your voice is so genuine and shines through your writing, plus your sense of humor is the bomb. You’ll rock it Mama! Celebrate!
Though I’m always sad to see things that I love end, I’m glad you’ll still be blogging and with less restrictions. As a fellow lover of Jesus, my family, good grammar, and a fellow twin mama, I’ve definitely felt like we’d be friends if we knew each other in the real world. I love following your blog and will continue following you on your new adventure. 🙂
This is going to be fun; I can tell already! I am looking forward to watching your new adventure unfold, as well as the chance to read Many Marvelous Meanderings from your Mama Mentality. And I also have to take a minute and tell you how much I agree with the idea that being Mom to our kids (along with wife to our husband) is the most important thing we will ever do–it is, in fact, the only place where we are truly important, because no one else can step in and do the job like we can. Everywhere else we try to feel important, we are really just replaceable. You go, girl! I have five myself, but they are a bit older than yours… 🙂
I’m so excited for you! I follow you on Facebook and love when you post things that aren’t on the 5 Days 5 Ways blog, even though it’s usually just a picture with a quick caption, I think it’s way cute! BTW I tried to find you on Instagram, it can’t find you as a user.
Yay, I can comment now, too! I’ve been following your blog for a couple of years (is it too late to offer my congratulations on your pregnancy now that your twins are a year old?). I think I originally found your blog because I was googling “calories burned in body combat” or something like that, and kept returning because I enjoyed your writing style and topic variety. Anyway, love the new design and format!
Love the new site!!!
can I actually comment now? I couldn’t before b/c of whatever system you used- I needed to have a disqus log in or something. site looks great!
Love the name. And yes you are soooo much more than Mama, and you already know….but nothing as important as.
Oh my gosh, holy nilly girl! I love the new site! LOVE IT! Each morning I get to work and while enjoying my morning caffeine intake I look forward to hearing from you. Congrats! Keep on keepin’ on sweets….you rock.
I think you will LOVE the freedom of not being tied to a daily theme…good for you! And of course, always know that being “just” a Mama is THE most important job in the world. (You could (theoretically) pay someone else to cook, clean, keep the books, even teach Body Combat, but you and ONLY you can be Mama. Thanks for reminding me how much I love it!
I love the new site and as long as you’re here, I’m in 🙂 Can’t wait for (M)ore 🙂
Congrats on the change! Always fun to mix things up every now and then. Excited to continue reading your posts!
I love the new site. I have been reading your blog for about a year now and I anxiously await your posts. I sort of started reading because you and I have a very similar hair type and I needed lots of encouragement to finally start rocking my curls full time. Anywho I hope that does not sound too creeperish and I look forward to what the new site has in store.
Congratulations on your new chapter in your blogging career! Your site looks amazing! 🙂
Looks good, friend!
Hi Abbie, I once commented that your blog is like “literary chocolate”. There couldn’t possibly be a higher compliment than that! Looking forward to seeing what you have in store at “M is for Mama”. Congratulations.