I’ve been mulling over some of the responses to this post that I wrote a little over three weeks ago for, well, um, a little over three weeks now.
I had hoped to post a follow up blog sooner, but I don’t write posts like this one lightly. Or quickly. (Seriously. If I got paid minimum hourly wage for the time it’s taken me to write this post, I’d have a nice chunk of change).
I’ve been praying for three weeks now that the Lord would make the words of my mouth (AKA the strokes of these keys) and the meditations of my heart pleasing to Him as I wrestled with how to, essentially, respond to the responses.
None of them surprised me particularly. Or upset me. Although the person who told me she didn’t think it was appropriate for me to write about my thoughts on morality in movies on a “home and lifestyle” blog did make me chuckle a little.
Because I don’t remember ever defining this little corner of the internet as an anything-nailed-down-specific blog.
It’s just me. All of me. Which usually translates as pictures of my kids, what we ate, what I wore, what I crafted, how I’m coping (or not) with motherhood, what the Lord is teaching me, what my house looks like at any given moment (+ a heaping dose of how crazy it drove me to get it decent-looking enough to show you guys). Etc. etc. etc. Ad nauseum.
But of all the roles that define me: wife, mother, writer, fitness addict, daughter, sister, friend…
The one that is dearest to my heart is this:
Bible-believing Christian.
It honestly pains me that I can’t just type, “Christian,” without having to add the “Bible-believing” part…because I don’t believe there is any other kind.
Because what is a Christian but a Christ-follower?
And where can we learn about Jesus the Christ except in the Bible?
Nowhere nearly as reliable, that’s where.
Which is why, when I read phrases in the comments like, “That may be your Biblical truth, but it’s not mine,” or, “I’m a Christian, but I would never judge others’ choices,” or, “The Bible can be interpreted in a variety of ways, and it’s up to the individual to determine its meaning,” I knew I had to clarify, at the very least, where I stand.
I believe the Bible is the infallible, unerring word of God.
It is a historical document written by multiple authors and made up of 66 books, which spans approximately 1,500 years, and yet carries a single thread of purpose and theme throughout–that of mankind’s need for reconciliation to God as a result of his sin and of the provision for that reconciliation in the fully man/fully God form of Jesus Christ and his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection.
It contains numerous prophetical passages about Jesus–where he would be born (Micah 5:2), his virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14), his sacrifice for our sin on the cross and the manner of his death and burial (Isaiah 53), his penultimate words on the cross and the fact that his hands and feet would be pierced and that his persecutors would cast lots for his clothing (Psalm 22), his resurrection (Psalm 16:10) and many more–all of which were fulfilled and recorded in the New Testament accounts of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection.
A popular argument for dismissing the Bible as an authoritative source of truth is: “Well, it’s been 2,000 years since Jesus’ birth, and there have been numerous translations and interpretations since then, so there’s no real way of knowing what anybody really meant at the time.”
But the fact is that the Bible is the only ancient document in existence which can boast extant (currently existing) accounts of pivotal events (Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection, for example) within 100 years of their happening and a complete copy of the entire Bible within 300 years. Those first century copies mean eyewitness, firsthand accounts, people.
And do you know what scholars have found when they compare the 2015 accounts of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well or the resurrection of Lazarus or the feeding of the 5,000 with the same accounts from 1,900 years ago? They are the same.
When a woman came to Jesus and anointed his head from an alabaster jar of expensive perfume, Jesus responded to his disciples’ outraged response by saying that she had done a beautiful thing and that “wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.“
And that’s exactly what is still happening today.
In fact, Bruce Metzger–a professor at Princeton (hardly a bastion of conservative evangelical Christian thought) during his lifetime (he died in 2007) and arguably the greatest American New Testament scholar of the 20th century–has gone so far to say that 99.4% of what we have in the Bible today is corroborated by the earliest copies that still exist now.
So, that whole, “It’s changed over time and doesn’t say the same thing now as it did then,” bit just doesn’t fly.
Also, for those who are all about Jesus and the New Testament but prefer to ignore the Old, I would ask you this question:
Did you know that Jesus quoted almost every single Old Testament book?
Not in a passing, anecdotal way either. But authoritatively.
He quoted multiple verses from Deuteronomy to slam the door in the face of the devil’s temptation in the desert.
He referenced Isaiah 53:12 to talk about his own death.
He quoted from Genesis (1:27 and 2:24) when he condemned divorce.
And on and on.
(So, if it was good enough for Jesus, and you love Jesus…? I think you see where I’m going).
Obviously, this becomes a problem when we are fine with his exhortations to, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and, “Judge not lest you be judged,” but uncomfortable when he references Leviticus.
(The real problem, of course, is that “love your neighbor” is a direct quote from Leviticus)
Speaking of judging…
This might be the most hot-button word of our culture today.
And yet. I challenge the most open-minded person to truly refrain from making judgments…
About the mom on the playground who is paying more attention to her phone than her kids way up on the slide.
About the pregnant girl who is puffing on a cigarette as she pumps her gas.
About the lady in the grocery store with two overweight children and a basketful of nothing but Pop Tarts, soda, and cheese puffs.
Whether we admit it or not, we draw conclusions about the rightness and wrongness of others’ behaviors, usually based on our own backgrounds or what our culture dictates.
But everybody’s background is different. And cultural standards shift and change as surely as the sands under the pull of the tide.
So, rather than balance my standards for right and wrong on the ever-tipping scale of societal standards, I ground them in the Bible, and I let it do my judging for me. It tells me that it is wrong to lie, to steal, to kill…and I dare say that even those who ignore the Bible altogether at best or are greatly offended by it at worst agree with these. I would even go so far as to say that we’re all pretty okay with calling those who commit these–I’ll say it–sins wrong.
But things get a lot dicier when we enter the realm of what we have politely termed “lifestyle choices.”
“Lifestyle choices” that Jesus plainly called “sexual immorality.” Because that’s the thing: as much as Jesus, these days, has been cast as the ultimate hippie dude–an easygoing yogi type with long, soft hair and an even softer attitude toward sinners, the truth is that Jesus was pretty darn judgmental (by our society’s standards).
He told the woman caught in adultery, after he had shamed all of her accusers away, “Neither do I condemn you. Now, go and sin no more.” His lack of condemnation was predicated on his command to leave her life of sin. No consideration for her circumstances. No interest in whether her husband appreciated her enough or if he had cheated on her too. Just a simple condition: stop sinning. Pretty judgmental if you ask me.
He called the Pharisees a “brood of vipers” and asked them rhetorically how they expected to escape being “condemned to hell.” Super judgey right? And downright rude. Unless, of course, he was right.
Yes, he ate with “sinners,” but isn’t the mere fact that he labeled them sinners–that he called them “sick” and in need of doctoring–kind of a judgment on their lifestyle choices?
Jesus could, in fact, be considered the most judgmental ever, since his standards begin, not with actions, but motives. He takes morality one step further by saying that even a lustful thought makes you an adulterer and a hateful attitude towards your brother is the same as murder.
In other words, there is no such thing as a “harmless” dalliance in erotica. It can’t just be a “fantasy” or an “escape.” We will be held accountable for “every idle word.” It should come as no surprise, then, that when we read a “romance” (code for: sexually explicit) novel or watch a movie that glorifies extra-marital sex (of any kind), and they lead our thoughts in a lustful direction, according to Jesus, we are committing adultery on our husbands.
I worked at my university’s writing center when I was 19-years-old, and I distinctly remember a colleague saying, “Man, Jesus was so cool. He never got mad about anything. He always saw the good in everybody.”
I nearly choked on my swig of water. Because this Jesus is found nowhere in the Bible. The Jesus of the Bible was filled with righteous anger when he saw the money lenders defiling the house of God. He literally drove them from the building and flipped their tables over. The Jesus of the Bible never said that, if you look hard enough, you’ll find the good in everybody. Or that we are the product of our circumstances. Or that, while some of our actions may be bad, at our core, we’re basically decent.
What he did say was this: “Out of the heart of man come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”
So, what’s my point? That Jesus was some fault-finding ogre?
My point is that Jesus, the most compassionate, loving being ever to exist on planet Earth–God incarnate who, though he himself knew no sin, became sin for us that we could be declared righteous–knew that transformation trumps tolerance. Every time.
He also knew that, while “there is only one Lawgiver and Judge who is able to save and to destroy,” the kind of judgment that discerns between right and wrong is absolutely essential to life.
I am not able–nor should I try–to do the kind of judging that “saves and destroys” eternally. Only God is. But I am able–in some cases encouraged (1 Cor. 2:15, Matt. 18:15, Amos 5:14-15, Psalm 37:30)–to judge (discern, determine, find out, ascertain) whether an action is right or wrong, using the Bible as my guide.
If we lump the saving and destroying judgment (God’s) in with the determining between right and wrong judgment (ours), we doom ourselves to a life of moral uncertainty at best and moral depravity at worst. Because without unchanging standards, when, exactly, does an action become “bad enough” to judge? And on what basis?
Jesus, himself, gives us a model for church discipline that begins with the words, “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you,” and follows up the oft-quoted-out-of-context, “Judge not lest you be judged” with, “First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
But, Abbie, if Jesus came, as he said, not to “abolish the law and the prophets but to fulfill them,” and corroborated the Old Testament, then why are there so many denominations within Christianity? Isn’t that proof that the Bible can’t be taken seriously?
Honestly, this argument has never made sense to me.
Let’s say that an award-winning chocolate cake is served to a group of people who all have varying reactions.
One thinks it’s good but has always been more of a brownie-guy. One thinks it could have used a healthy dose of walnuts. One wishes the icing had been made from milk rather than dark chocolate.
Three different reactions. Same cake. So, do these different cake “interpretations” mean that the recipe’s no good? After all, it was created by a master baker, who tested his process multiple times and used the best kitchen equipment and most accurate measuring tools to create his masterpiece. Oh, and it’s been tasted by hundreds of others, all of whom agree that it’s absolutely scrumptious.
The answer is to go to the source. Look at the recipe. Were quality ingredients used? Are the ratios correct? Did the baker follow the recipe correctly? If so, then the issue is with the tasters, not the cake.
The same is true of the Bible. But don’t take my word for it. Study it for yourself. Dig deep into God’s word and see where it leads you. Don’t just subscribe to our culture’s response or even what you’re told in church on Sunday without ever taking the time to really determine whether it stands the test of scrutiny.
Will you find that there are issues open for debate?
Ravi Zacharias says: “Uniformity of belief does not always mean uniformity of expression.” Which is why some Christians believe they should send their children to public school, while others believe that homeschooling is best. The same goes for the drinking of or abstaining from wine. Or the wearing of pants vs. skirts. Christians on either side of these debates could provide some form of Biblical support for their stances and might never come to complete agreement.
These issues are hardly salvation essentials, though, and the lack of agreement is no more a reflection on the Bible than the varying tasters’ opinions are on the chocolate cake.
But repeated, consistent, crystal-clear admonitions, beginning in the Old Testament and continuing throughout the entirety of the New to abstain from sex outside of marriage, adultery, homosexuality, cheating, lying, jealousy, disrespect to parents, and murder? (This is a great resource, in case you want some specific references for what the Bible has to say on these topics).
These are the essentials, and to say that they are not because a) you don’t like them or b) they clash with our culture’s emphasis on moral relativism is no “interpretation” but, instead, a direct contradiction of the Bible as a whole, including the very clear words of Jesus the Christ.
The very same Jesus who said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven,” and, “If you love me, keep my commands.”
2 Timothy 4:3-4 says, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.”
I feel that itch in my ears sometimes. I do. This post is, by no means, some manifesto about how I’ve got everything all figured out and do it all perfectly. Not even close.
That is why I am so grateful for the Bible and that, just as I said on Friday, truth is truth, regardless of emotion. Because when my emotions lead me astray–when they convince me that this little tidbit of gossip really isn’t so very harmful or watching that sex scene won’t really undermine my marriage or that angry outburst at my children wasn’t really my fault, I can always, always return to Scripture and remember that my heart is “deceitful and desperately wicked.”
Which is why, every time I or one of my friends or anyone else who calls themselves a Christian says something like, “I, personally, don’t feel convicted about ______________,” we need to remember to look at what the Bible says on the subject and then be humble enough to admit that, “I, personally,” is not a statement of authority but is, in fact, too often a permission to sin.
Of course, the best–most absolutely glorious–truth of the Bible is not that it tells us that we are sinners and shows us how but that it provides a way for atonement.
1 Timothy 1:9 says, “He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.”
Or maybe you’ve heard it put this way: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
More and more, it becomes apparent to me that it is time for we who identify ourselves as Christians to “choose this day whom {we} will serve.”
Because either Jesus and his word are the source of eternal truth. Or we are. Our actions call us out. We can no longer straddle a fence of saying we love Jesus but not obeying him.
I know myself too well to choose me. I am a sinner saved by grace. I choose Jesus. But I choose the Jesus of the Bible. He’s the only one that’s real.
I’m newer to your blog and just read this. Right on, sister!
Wow! I haven’t even read your previous post, but I knew I would agree with you on this. Oddly, I was searching the word “homeschool” on your site and this post came up. I’m so glad it did. Thank you for being bold and standing up for God. I have a hard time putting into words how much I appreciate that boldness for Jesus. It inspires me to be more bold (and to work on scripture memorization). Love your blog. This is now one of my favorites. God bless you and yours.
Well said. Thank you for thinking it all out and writing it down. Jesus has been made to have only a loving answer for everything so it’s nice to see you standing up for your beliefs.
Amen sister! I am so glad that someone was able to put into beautiful words exactly what I was thinking about this topic. So nice to know that there are in fact good Bible believing Christian women out there today that don’t care what the world thinks of them and rather cares what God does.
Amen, you are not alone in your beliefs. Thank you for being the voice for all of us.
Sing it sister!
Bless you Father. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving Abbie the courage to share truth!
I thank God for you and your stand for the truth! God bless you!
I did not see one mention of Jehovah God the father of Jesus ( Jehovah, the common english rendering of the Tetragrammaton (the four hebrew letter for the personal name of God) which appears over 7,00 times in the bible. I enjoy reading your post all the time but had to point this out also. Joshua 24:15 But as for me and my household, we will serve Jehovah 🙂
Hi Peggy. Thanks for your thoughts.
I’m not completely clear on whether your point is that I didn’t actually use the word, “Jehovah,” or…something else.
As someone who has lived in Israel, has studied Hebrew, and has parents who speak it (and attend a Messianic fellowship), I am fully aware of this English version of the Hebrew name for God the Father, but I was never going to use it, specifically, in this post, since it was not targeted at an audience who would, necessarily, have identified readily with that name. Nor did I want to distract from my main point, which was to answer the claims that Jesus (specifically) never judged anyone/that he would, in fact, condemn anyone who did make judgments and that the Bible is not a reliable source of truth.
But if your contention is that I didn’t mention God the Father at all, regardless of the name, I would like to point out that I mentioned “the Lord” early on, and then went on to refer to the “unerring word of God,” “mankind’s need for reconciliation to God,” “only one Lawgiver and Judge” (clearly, God the Father), “Only God is,” Jesus’ reference to “My Father who is in heaven,” and “For God so loved the world…”
Again, I’m not completely clear on whether you’re objecting to the fact that I didn’t specifically spell out, “Jehovah, God the Father,” or just thinking that I left God the Father out altogether. If it’s the latter, hopefully, the above references will show that, while I *intentionally* kept the focus on Jesus for the purpose of answering the claims from the previous post I referenced, I in no way excluded Jehovah God.
Also, while, yes, Joshua 24:15 is actually an Old Testament reference to Israel’s need to choose Jehovah God, I think anyone would believes the whole Bible would be hard pressed to deny that this allegiance doesn’t extend to Jesus, God’s son, who is one with the Father. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1).
Yes thank you for pointing this out and I just wanted to say it was that you did not mention Jehovah God the father, I know you were talking about Jesus in your post and it was wonderful everything that you wrote, standing up for what you believe and not afraid of what people think, Amen 🙂 (John 14:27,28) 🙂
Great post, Abbie. Many things in life change, but God’s word never changes, same yesterday, today and forever. Something we can always count on. I love that you have the courage to stand up for God’s word.
And this is EXACTLY why I love to read your blog. Full of truth. Full of what we all face daily. I think I have had a full range of emotion while reading your blog. I have laughed, cried, been excited, and wanted to give you a high five many times. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to help ground us crazy parents. We truly appreciate you! (Definitely a high five post!)
So beautiful, inspiring and well said! Thank you!
Beautifully written. Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to support your opinions with eloquent truth. I am so impressed with your response!
Amen Sister! Thank you for your “Bible Believing” post! I really enjoy your blog. Keep them coming!!!
I have been reading your site for a month now, and I am delighted by your response, my precious little sister in The Lord. As Christ-followers, we need to respond, always, with grace and love. We also need to honor the most holy One we serve with respect and adherence to His precepts. You did both, very well!
Wow! Thank you! So blessed by your post.
Awesome post , totally agree ! Love your blog too !
An amazing post, written in love and truth! A solid biblical truth for every point you made! Great example of standing up for Christ!
Thank you so much for writing this! I can talk myself into circles about everything, but instead of relying on my own understanding (heh heh) I need to be relying on the His truth outlined in the Bible!
Abbie: Beautiful post. THANK YOU for not being afraid to stand up for truth. Moral relativism is a problem in our society and it is refreshing to see someone stand out and speak up. Well said.
AWESOME! This is why I love your blog. Very well written.
Thank you for this strong post and witness!
Very well said, Abbie. Thank you.
Absolutely, your best post ever…EVER. As a Bible believing Christian, I agree with every word and sentiment and I pray for Gods glory to shine in to some of the darkened hearts that commented on your “50 Shades” post, but who seem to, have yet, to read or comment on this post…
The Bible is infallible, and if your heart is truly seeking Jesus Christ, you will find Him all over both the old and new testaments. If you truly want to know “what should I think about…?”, go to the Bible, find someone or a Bible study that can help you understand the doctrinal truths Christians hold so dear… there may be differences on the non essentials, but when it comes to Jesus, the Bible and eternal life, there is one way. One answer. You don’t have to be confused. You aren’t judging. It is free for all to have and know the Savior of the world.
THANK YOU for this post… I’ll be printing it out and sharing it on Facebook.
Thank you so much for writing this! I know God is going to use this post in a mighty way for His glory. This post almost brought me to tears because it has been my exact thoughts through all of the conflict on 50 Shades of Grey and being a Christ follower. Thank you for shining your light for Jesus!
First of all, I want to say, great post, Abbie! I know that had to take a lot of guts to write that post but you did it! Yay! Secondly, you brought up so many great points it’s hard to narrow which ones are the best but one of the most hard hitting was your use of the scriptures on “itching ears”. Certainly a needed post, thank you for your defense of biblical Christianity and your opinion. Sometimes things just need to be said. Thank you!
P.S. Check out “I Choose Jesus” by Moriah Peters. A very good song speaking about choosing Jesus!
Amen, sister! Well said. Thank you for your most excellent response. You are a brave lady!
Thank you for writing this Abbie! It was so well written and you spoke the truth so well. I very much like the statement about more often then not saying “I personally” is a confession of sin. I think a lot of the time christian people find themselves going on their own path and judging, speaking, doing everything really from themselves instead of from the bible. I know I do. It is hard to admit that you are doing something wrong and that you need to reevaluate. I appreciate you making all these points and I agree with them 100%. I don’t know why this whole 50 shades thing caused such an uproar. I understand of course that people have a difference in opinions (don’t we in everything?) but what I could not fathom is why people were so horrible to each other. I know that judgment itself is supported in the bible and that we should point out things that people are doing of that nature, but I have never seen a place where it says to attack someone and call them horrible things and then continue to fight with them when they disagree. I was seeing so much of it all over the place and it saddened me so much. I was happy to see that you spoke so nicely about the subject. You said what you had to and you did it gracefully, and even then certain people seemed to attack. I am inspired by you, especially since you have responded in this way with such grace. Keep on being amazing!
All so true Abbie. There is another prophecy that you didn’t mention. That He would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver. For those people who think that they can interpret the Bible their own way, or say, “well that’s not what it means to me,” that is not right! The words of our Lord are only meant to be read one way! If the Bible says, then we must do. And as to the argument that there is good in all people, the Bible says there is none righteous! It also says compared to Him, our righteousness is as filthy rags! How dare we make the claim that we are good, because we are not! It is only through Christ’s abundant mercy that we are able to do good. Thank you so much Abbie for this honest post! I hope others eyes are opened through this.
Awesome Post! I agree with you 100% and loved how you used Bible scriptures to back it up. 🙂
Thanks, Abbie! Your words are wise and inspired. I’m so happy you took the time to gather your thoughts and share them with us. I’m with you 100%.
You clearly thought long and hard before you wrote this post. It’s written with much love and from your heart.
I don’t agree with all you have written, and I still stand by my beliefs . I have complete faith that I’m going to heaven one day.. And know without a shadow of a doubt that God is in my heart.
I do belive we interpert parts of the bible in different ways, and I’m
Ok with that.
Thank you for standing on truth, for taking the time to present a well documented article, and for the love in which you wrote. I wish writing something like this didn’t require bravery in our culture, but it does. Thanks for being brave. Well done.
Well said, Abby. I wish that I could say it as well as you have. Thank you.
I love this! Thank you for standing up and being the voice that I hope so many hear! This is wonderful!
Well said! Makes me want to read your blog even more.
Wonderful post! Clearly inspired by God!
Them you for writing this!!! The truth is amazing!!
Thank you, Abbie! And thank you, God! What a refreshing post to read amidst the conglomerate of “personal opinions.” As uncomfortably convicting and humbling (due to my sin) as it is to hold the Bible as the ultimate standard, I would rather go through that uncomfortableness and thus give glory to God than have to abide by the ever-changing opinions of fallible humans. To God be the glory, and no one else.
God presence is visible in the words you chose. It’s apparent how much prayer you put into this. I was praying about my response and keep feeling as though God would like you to read Matthew 25:23.. That he would like you to hear those words today. God Bess, Abbie. Keep pointing people towards heaven.<3
“transformation trumps tolerance” could not be a better way to put it. I have been in the tolerance boat before and let me tell you, I am a million times better now that Jesus is transforming me! Thank you for this great post
May God receive all glory! Much need message!
Thank you for a wonderfuly written, truth filled post!! Very nice job! It is so needed in today’s culture!!
Jesus dealt with sinners differently. Some he lovingly guided and others he rebuked harshly, but the sin in their life was never excused or condoned. God set the standard…He didn’t ask our opinion. So it doesn’t matter if 99% of the people think something is okay. If God says it’s sin THEN IT IS SIN! Thank you for sharing your heart!
Abbie, from one Bible-believing Christian to another, this is a wonderful post! Thank you, once again, for taking a stand for biblical truth.
Also, thank you for mentioning 2 Timothy 4:3-4 in your post. That is definitely happening right now in our culture and around the world.
I hope you and your family have a great day!
Abbie- so well done! It is amazing that you have to clarify being a “Bible-believing” Christian but it is so necessary. Some of the claims people make on Jesus lead me to believe that they haven’t read about Him at all, as least not in the same Bible we have. Blessings to you and your family. Thank you for standing up for truth. I’m so thankful it’s a truth that is solid and the only sure foundation for our children as well!
Let me start by saying I do not believe in the Holy Bible. I also appreciate Abbie’s unwaivering belief in the Bible. I so so so often hear comments similar to, “Doesn’t everyone pick and choose what they believe?” I am also a black and white person. I do not understand the one foot in believer, but yet again, I also think everyone can believe whatever they want. Abbie, I’ve read your blog for 3+ years now. I believe we have similar morals like you mentioned. Not to insult you or your beliefs, but in our house we call many of our lifestyle choices like monogamy, selflessness/servanthood, not lying or judging, respect, giving to the poor, etc morals based on humanity and for the survival and good or our community.
Thoughtfully and wisely written, thank you for standing up for the truth.
love it and thank you for sharing this so beautifully. I can read the presence of the Holy Spirit throughout. God Bless You and your family.
Very well written – appreciate you taking the time to share this
Thank you for standing up for our precious Savior unapologetically! Thank you for loving Him more than your comfort, or your gaining approval from this world! I am saddened to see that even the “Christian culture” lashed out…this would seem like an easy one to me? As a Christian how is this even remotely hard to be on board here?….I would think it would be quite obvious and that we would all unite and support those using their platform to “bring it” on Christ’s behalf! But hey, the Bible warns us in Hebrews that the devil even comes as light to seek and destroy…so I really shouldn’t be shocked that Christians sold out, justified sin, and criticized another Christian. The discouragement should be expected….Satan is a jerk….straight up! Each nasty comment is just him in disguise. Forget it! You did your part dear sister! Beautifully done!!!! Sooooo needed! Now as Proverbs says “do not argue with fools”…whether believer or non-believer some of these comments are just plain foolish therefore revealing the character of the writer. Lets pray for them and hope that your words do not fall on deaf ears but instead pierce their hearts and lead them to the most amazing life as that of a true, die to self, unashamed Christ-follower!!!!! I don’t even want to know who I would be without Jesus! Ugh! I pray life changing transformation on these dear souls who are so missing out on the Christian life! Rest well Abbie….ya done good!!!!
AMEN,AMEN and AMEN. Abbie!!!!!
Thank you for being a voice of Truth that is so desperately needed today! Fabulous post!
AWESOME post Abbie!!!!
I read the post and comments that were written a few weeks back. I absolutely love how you answered each issue with Biblical reference to Jesus’ love and authority.
Thank you.