Several months ago, I got a package in the mail that made me very happy. I might have squealed.
Can I just say, I love good mail? You know—happy mail. The kind that’s hand-addressed to me, with my named spelled right and everything. As opposed to “Abigail,” which is a dead giveaway that the sender just wants me to donate money. Or, alternatively, that I’ve won $45,000 + a BMW, which would normally be a good thing. Just not when it’s addressed to “Abigail.”
So about that package. It was from my sweet, sweet blogging friend, Kendra, over at The Good Life Blog (which you should totally check out if you haven’t already, ESPECIALLY since she is hosting a giveaway on a rockin’ Jessica Simpson bag rightthisverysecond!), and it contained a pair of petal pink Ann Taylor LOFT pants in my size. And they were in beyond pristine condition. Which is pretty amazing since I knew they had come from Goodwill because Kendra is my thrifting twinkie (Goodwill even sponsors her blog, how cool is that?).
To say that I did a happy dance around my living room when I saw them is quite the understatement (my husband can verify that). And I immediately began planning a Wardrobe Wednesday, with my new pink pants as the star.
That was the dead of winter. And petal pink pants are slightly more appropriate when there is the possibility of, you know, petals. Plus, they were a smidge on the snug side of my size range, so I figured I would give it a few months and see what happened.
Well, lo and behold, spring showed up with a (78°) vengeance. And I lost a few more baby pounds.
So, today, with one day to go before spring has officially sprung, I give you…
And just like my flower power shirt from a few weeks back, I saw the potential for several different looks, so I came up with three.
First up:
{Shirt: Old Navy Camp Shirt, $17; Fedora + straw bag: Mexico, $25; Shoes: Goodwill, $3}
This one’s the epitome of boho-chic comfort. It kind of feels like pajamas. Come to think of it, it looks a little like pajamas too. But pajamas you’re allowed to wear in public. My favorite.
And then we have:
{Shirt: Old Navy, $16; Shoes: Payless: $40; Clutch, Goodwill, $3}
I might (and I do mean might) have worn the above outfit to teach back in the day. But probably not. Especially not those shoes. I wore plenty of tall shoes in my teaching heyday, but they were almost all wedges. Speaking of those shoes, if you noticed how much they cost and where they’re from, you might have done a double-take. “What? Abbie paid forty DOLLARS for shoes from PAYLESS??!”
Every now and then, I will splurge on something if I have a specific event I am justifying it with want to wear it to, and those shoes were one such lapse in judgment splurge. They were part of some Payless partnership with a big-name designer, which is why they cost so much (or, as George from You’ve Got Mail would say, “No, that’s why they’re worth so much.” Whatevs, George). I told myself I would wear them often. Turns out, I lied.
Finally, we have:
{Shirt: a gift from Mandy; Shoes: Dillard’s, $35; Clutch: Goodwill, $3}
Speaking of shoes that I mildly splurged on and swore I would wear enough to justify it (you first saw them here when I was 6-months-pregnant with the twins)…yup, these are another pair. Call me crazy, but it kind of seems like I don’t have much use for sky-high stilettos, no matter how gorgeous their watercolor print.
{I think I’m going to start sweeping the kitchen while wearing these}
Oh! And check out the back of my shirt!
Fun, huh?
My husband tied it for me, and halfway through, he asked, “Does it have to be pretty?”
“Relatively,” was my reply.
This was the result.
I’ll leave it up your discretion whether he fulfilled his end of the bargain (which, granted, was: tie my shirt and take some pictures, and I’ll feed you dinner…which he gets every night anyway…so the motivation might have been lacking).
So! There you have it!
Did you have a favorite?
And do tell—are you more likely to splurge if you have a specific event to wear something to? Please tell me I’m not the only one!
I like the first one! So cute and casual.
I tend to “justify” buying new clothes/shoes/accessories when I’m about to go on a trip. Which is really silly since I know I’ll shop on the trip and justify it with “Well, it’ll be special bc it’s from here!”. Lol. But shopping is my weakness anyway, and I’m always wanting something new. I wish I had your knack for the goodwill!
I know that you are beautiful, but how do you stay to slim after so many kids? Wish I could look as good as easy as you make it look.
those pink pants are amazing on you and more versatile than i could ever imagine!! the first look is my absolute fave 🙂
C’s Evolution of Style
You are so cute, you would look great in a burlap sack (might be a little itchy). 🙂 But, I think #3 was my favorite. I liked them all and appreciate you showing us how great pink pants could be and how so much can go with them. You do a great job!
Well, aren’t you sweet? Thanks for the encouragement!
The Easy Ride is awesome!
Why, thank you!
Love all the looks. #3 is my favorite. It’s such a romantic look. I definately splurge on shoes justifying that I’ll wear them all the time. Being a sahm, I have way too many heeled boots and shoes. I do wear them to church, date night or parents conference but I don’t need that many. I just bought beautiful high wedge sandals from Kohl’s to add to the collection.
Yes, but do we ever really *need* beautiful shoes??! Probably not, but they are so. much. fun.
All the looks are super cute! I love how you mixed them up! I am partial to “The Suit”. But I don’t really have anywhere to wear such things…but maybe church 🙂 I love the shoes too 🙂 I have done such splurges and try to justify them……I think it is a woman thing….haha! “It will be sooo perfect. It matches everything so well”…..yep, I hear ya’ girl! Your fedora really makes me want one for summer…fortunately if I hit Target it shouldn’t be a splurge. 🙂 You are looking fab BTW for having twins only months ago….keep rockin’ it.
Oh, thank you, you sweet lady! You are always so stinking encouraging! We WILL meet one day.
I love the first look with the denim shirt. Very spring! I need to hit up my Goodwill 🙂
I found a pair of similar spring-style pants in lilac-y color on Target’s 70% off rack a couple weeks ago. The cut is weird so I think that’s why so many were on the rack. I’ll attempt to alter them soon and post before and after’s on my blog.
Ooh! I’d love to see. Shoot me the link when it’s up!
I really like the pants….I really like #2 and I would love #3 if the back weren’t half missing :/
Ha! Yeah, the missing back half is a little weird. I like it, but it’s definitely a bit drafty. : )
Easy Rider rocks my world 🙂
I thought you might like it. ; )
i absolutely love outfit number 2! you actually gave me inspiration with a similar pair of brand new trousers i have never worn (sigh sob)! thank you Abbie!!
You’re welcome, Daniela! Happy to oblige! : )
You just rocked those pants! How awesome! I love all the styles you came up with. Inspirational!
Aw, thanks!
Abbie! These look so great on you! I’m glad you love them. And, you’ve styled them perfectly. Pinning!
Why, thank you, friend! I’m so glad you sent them to me! Oh, and how much do I need to slip you under the table to ensure that I win that purse? ; )
I LOVE the second look. So incredibly chic.
Love all the outfits, but my most favorite is the Easy Rider. If you feel like you are wearing pajamas, BUT you LOOK like you put effort into your outfit, it’s a WIN-WIN. You feel great, you look great….PERFECT!
P.S. I have a couple of sinks you might like. 😉
Bwahahaha! I’d like to see those sinks, please! And I agree about the pajama comment. Win-win, indeed!
I like them all! Though I think I am partial to the “romantic” look with that soft pink.
I definitely have splurged a time or two for an event I just needed something for. I’m currently trying to figure out a way to justify some aqua pants for the spring…
Oh good (wipes brow in relief). So glad I’m no the only splurger. I say go for the aqua pants, if they’re not crazy expensive.